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词汇 tie to
例句 Rowan whole-heartedly agreed that the company needed to do more to improve its ties to the community.罗恩完全同意公司得多做些事来加强与社区的联系。I don't want to be tied to this boring job.我不愿意死守这份让人厌烦的工作。The prices of Web ads are tied to the number of visitors the sites have.网络广告的价格是和网站的访客数量联系在一起的。A rope was tied to each end of the boat.船的每一端都系着一根绳子。Our fate is tied to yours.我们的命运和你们的紧密相连。Interest rates are tied to the rate of inflation.利率和通货膨胀率紧密联系在一起。The washing line was tied to a tree.晾衣绳系在树上。Trust me - it's not comme il faut to wear a pink tie to a funeral.相信我——系粉色领带参加葬礼不合适。I didn't want to be tied to commuting to London.我不想受约束天天乘车到伦敦去上班。Too many marriages end in divorce because the man is still tied to his mom's apron strings.太多婚姻以离婚收场,是因为男方还是处处听妈妈的。I didn't want to be tied to driving her to work every day.我不想每天都被束缚着开车送她去上班。The rise in crime has been tied to drug dealing.犯罪的增多和毒品交易紧密相关。Southwest's productivity is tied to its ability to turn its planes around quickly.西南航空的生产力取决于其快速做好返航准备的能力。Authorities claim he has close ties to terrorist organizations.当局称他与恐怖组织有密切联系。I was tied to my job by a contract.我因订有合同而不能离职。The rate of production is tied to consumer demand. 生产率和消费者的需求相关。Britain could be irrevocably tied to a single European currency.英国可能会被欧洲单一货币死死地束缚住。An open ticket means you are not tied to returning on a particular day.未注明往返日期的机票意味着你不一定非得某一天回来。Their cancers are not so clearly tied to radiation exposure.他们的癌症是否和接触放射线有关还不太明确。Cedric is murdered, Harry is tied to the tombstone.塞德里克被杀死,哈利被绑在墓碑上。Athens had strong ties to the Arab world.雅典与阿拉伯世界关系密切。He always wears a jacket and tie to work.他上班时总是穿西服打领带。The currency was tied to the gold standard.这种货币以前与金本位制挂钩。Many women felt tied to the house.很多妇女觉得自己被束缚在家里了。I wouldn't like to be tied to catching the last train home.我不想非得赶最后一趟列车回家。Their company's future is closely tied to our own.他们公司的前途跟我们的息息相关。She was tired of being tied to the same routine. 她厌倦了总是重复例行工作。There was a piece of cloth tied to the dog's collar.狗项圈上系着一块布。He has no affective ties to his family.他对自己的家庭没有感情。Her horse was tied to a tree.她的马拴在树上。I'm after a tie to go with this shirt.我要找一条和这件衬衫相配的领带。He picked the blue tie to wear to the interview.他选择佩戴那条蓝色领带参加采访。Other poor countries looked outwards, strengthening their ties to the economic superpowers.其他贫穷国家将目光投向国外,加强了与经济强国的联系。She was tied to her bed for a few days.她有几天卧病不起。He was tied to his desk all day. 他整天都在办公桌前忙碌。Gene has to wear a jacket and tie to work.吉恩上班得穿西装打领带。I felt tied to the job while I had a mortgage to pay.因为有按揭贷款要还,我感到自己被这份工作束缚住了。Many young mothers feel tied to the home and children.许多年轻母亲觉得受到家庭和孩子的束缚。He generally wears a pale blue tie to bring out the colour of his eyes.他通常结一条淡蓝色领带,以衬托眼睛的颜色。The horses were tied to the hitching posts.马给拴在拴桩上。




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