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词汇 tighten
例句 The prime minister has promised to tighten up the law on carbon dioxide emissions.首相承诺要更严格执行控制二氧化碳排放的法规。Turn the screw clockwise to tighten it.按顺时针方向拧紧螺丝。I used my thumbnail to tighten the screw on my lamp.我用拇指指甲把台灯上的螺钉拧紧了。The new tougher penalties will tighten the noose on traffic offenders.新的更严厉的措施将严惩交通违章者。He is trying to tighten his hold on the company's finances. 他试图加强对公司财务状况的控制。These stomach exercises will tighten abdominal muscles.这些腹部练习会增强腹肌。They are under pressure to tighten their airport security.他们面临着加强机场安保的压力。We need to tighten security around the hotel during the president's visit.总统访问期间我们需要加强宾馆周围的安全保卫。We installed new machines to tighten up the assembly line.我们安装了新机器以提高装配线的工效。The government has decided to tighten its immigration policy.政府决定实施更加严格的移民政策。The music industry is determined to tighten up on the illegal copying of CDs.音乐行业下决心加紧打击盗版光盘。He has been doing all he can to maintain/tighten his grip on the company's finances.他一直竭尽全力维持/加紧对公司财务管理的掌控。Pull the end of the string through the loop and tighten.拽住绳子末端,穿过圆环拉紧。He knows he has considerable support for his plans to tighten his grip on the machinery of central government.他清楚有相当多的人支持他对中央政府机构加强控制的计划。Her grip seemed to tighten on the door handle.她似乎把门把手抓得更紧了。He said he would take steps to tighten up the administration.他说他将采取措施加强行政管理。The government is planning to tighten up regulations governing the transport of toxic waste.政府正计划收紧对运送有毒废弃物的监管条例。This treatment helps tone the body, firm up muscles and tighten the skin.该治疗有助于强身健体、紧致皮肤。We need to tighten the screws on people who've been evading the tax.我们必须对那些一直逃税的人施压。Turn the screw to the right and tighten it.将螺钉往右旋,把它旋紧。I want us to be a bit more sensible this time and tighten up.我希望咱们这次更明智一些,更小心一些。Make sure you position the wheel correctly before you tighten up the nuts.拧紧螺帽前一定要正确安装好车轮。The government has decided to tighten its immigration policy.政府决定收紧移民政策。Turn the screw to the right to tighten it.将螺钉向右旋紧。I'll tighten the screw.我会把螺丝拧紧。An attempt by anti-abortionists to tighten the rules was defeated.反堕胎者所作的加强法规的尝试失败了。He saw his father's jaw tighten in irritation.他看到父亲气得紧咬牙关。I used my thumbnail to tighten the screw.我用大拇指指甲拧紧了那个螺丝。In a period of mass unemployment a lot of people must learn to tighten their belts.在大批人失业其间,很多人不得不束紧腰带,省吃俭用。The thought of Nick made her throat tighten.一想到尼克,她的喉咙就发紧。He accused ministers of breaking election pledges to tighten up on immigration.他指责部长们没有兑现在竞选中许下的加强移民管制的诺言。When you tighten guitar strings, the note gets higher.你把吉他的弦紧一紧,音就会变高。His words made her throat tighten.他的话使她喉咙发紧。If you are spending more than your income, you'll need to tighten your belt.要是你入不敷出,那你就得省着点了。He felt his stomach tighten.他感到肚子发紧。Closing the border would tighten the screws on the terrorists.关闭边境将使恐怖分子受到更为严厉的打击。The government has started to tighten the screws on illegal share dealers.政府开始打压不法券商。I'll have to tighten up that bolt.我得把那个螺栓拧紧。Most people have to tighten their belts a little when they retire.大多数人退休以后只得勒紧裤带过日子。We must tighten these screws.我们必须把这些螺钉旋紧。




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