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词汇 putting on
例句 That would be putting on too many airs.那样的话可就是过分摆谱了。Caroline pouts her lips when she's putting on lipstick.卡罗琳涂口红时总是撅起嘴。She was putting on lipstick and rouge.她正在给自己涂胭脂抹口红。We tried to spice things up by putting on some lively music.我们想放点欢快的音乐来助兴。Add up your outgoings, putting on a bit more for contingencies.把你的经常性开支加起来,再增加些钱用于意外开支。Friends will see you are putting on a brave face and might assume you've got over your grief.朋友们看到你一脸轻松,也许会以为你已经走出悲伤。The company is putting on a performance of the popular musical 'Cats'.该公司正在上演热门音乐剧《猫》。Stop putting on that funny voice!别装那种滑稽的声音了!A nicotine spray can help smokers quit the habit without putting on weight.尼古丁喷雾剂能够帮助吸烟者在不增加体重的同时戒烟。Trudy is always putting on airs.特鲁迪老是摆架子。He interpreted the vote as support for the constitution and that is the spin his supporters are putting on the results today.他把这次投票解释为对宪法的支持,这也是他的支持者对今天的投票结果所作的解释。Some of her old friends have accused her of putting on airs since she became wealthy.她的一些老朋友指责她自从有了钱就摆起了架子。He's just putting on an act for the boss's benefit.他做戏只是为了给老板看。It would be another day of putting on a front, but too bad.那一天又得装装样子了,真是的。We're putting on Bugsy Malone.我们正在放映《龙蛇小霸王》。They're putting on Hamlet next week.他们下星期演出《哈姆雷特》。We are putting on a barbecue for everyone in the neighborhood.我们将举行烧烤宴会,邀请社区的每个人来参加。Don't take any notice-she's just putting on an act!别理她 - 她是在装样子!British Airways is putting on an extra flight to London tomorrow.英国航空公司明天将增加一班到伦敦的航班。We're putting on a concert to raise money for cancer charities.我们要组织一场音乐会来为癌症患者筹集善款。It's pure stodge, that's why I'm putting on pounds.吃的全是淀粉类食物,所以我的体重在日益增加。You won't be putting on me if you stay to dinner.你留下吃饭不会给我添麻烦的。He's just putting on an act.他只是装腔作势罢了。The theater company will be putting on plays by Shakespeare this season.剧团将在本轮演出中上演莎士比亚的戏剧。The students are putting on an end of term concert.学生们将举行期末音乐会。Stop putting on an act and be yourself.别端着,自然一点。She seems all right but I think she's just putting on a brave face.她似乎没什么,但我怀疑她只是假装不在乎。I didn't realize putting on a play involved so much work.我没想到上演一部戏剧需要做这么多的工作。The band is putting on its biggest concert of the year.该乐队正在上演他们今年规模最大的音乐会。His fifth grade class is putting on a play about the first Thanksgiving.他五年级的那个班正准备演关于第一个感恩节的戏剧。Over the next two years, the company is putting on the complete works of Brecht.今后两年公司将上演布莱希特的全部戏剧。He began buttoning his shirt and putting on his tie.他开始扣上衬衫纽扣,系上领带。He wasn't really sorry. He was just putting on an act.他并不是真的难过,只是做做样子而已。She was standing there half dressed, putting on her makeup.她衣服穿了一半,站在那里化妆。Melanie was putting on her makeup in front of the mirror.梅拉妮正在镜子前面化妆。The local drama group are putting on “Sister Jiang” at the Capital Theatre.当地的剧团正在首都剧场演出《江姐》。The pigs in fact were putting on weight if anything.那些猪事实上倒更像是在长膘呢。They're putting on a concert.他们正在举行一场音乐会。They are winterizing their cars by adding antifreeze and putting on snow tires.他们在给车添加防冻剂并换上防滑轮胎,以抵御严寒。




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