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词汇 门卫
例句 The guard told him to come away from the door.门卫叫他离门远点。The doorman asked me gruffly for my identity card.门卫语气生硬地问我要身份证。The guard nodded to us as we walked in.我们走进来时,门卫朝我们点头致意。He gained entry by the simple expedient of bribing the doorman.他急中生智,通过贿赂门卫进来了。The guards were originally hired to watch over the houses as they were being built.最初雇门卫是为了看护正在修建的房子。He strolled cheekily past the commissionaires for a free wash in the gentlemen's cloakroom.他大大咧咧地从门卫眼前走了过去,没花钱就在男洗手间冲洗了一把。An alert guard stopped the robbers.机警的门卫拦住了劫匪。We were immediately challenged by armed guards.我们马上就受到武装门卫的盘查。It was stipulated that no one could live in an office building except the janitor.规定除门卫外他人一律不得住在办公楼内。She showed the doorman her press pass.她向门卫出示了她的记者通行证。George gave the bouncer a bung, and we got into the nightclub.乔治给了门卫一点钱,我们便进了那家夜总会。One of the bouncers lifted the velvet rope to let us enter the club.其中一个门卫升起护栏让我进入了俱乐部。He showed the guard his ticket.他向门卫出示了入场券。The guards stopped me at the gate.门卫在大门口拦住了我。




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