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词汇 门口
例句 He made a dash for the door.他突然朝门口冲过去。A tall figure was standing in the doorway.一个高个子站在门口She made a dive for the door.她向门口冲了过去。There's nobody at the door-you must have been imagining things!门口没有人 - 你一定是产生幻觉了!I saw an unfamiliar face at the door.我在门口看到一张不熟悉的面孔。Craig marched up to the door and rang the bell.克雷格走到门口,按响了门铃。A long line was waiting at the door, but he bucked this.一长排人等在门口,可是他却挤了过去。An older woman, pink-cheeked and tweedy, appeared in the doorway.一位面色红润、打扮休闲、年纪稍长的妇人出现在门口He tiptoed to the door in his stockinged feet.他踮着脚尖走到门口,只穿着袜子没穿鞋。I eased my way towards the door.我小心翼翼地向门口挪去。Barry stood at the door, hesitating. Should he walk straight in or knock?巴里站在门口,犹豫不决。他该直接进去还是敲门呢?Blinded by tears, I walked towards the door.我泪眼模糊,朝着门口走去。It's a tight fit but I think we can get the box through the door.虽然窄点,但我想我们还是可以把箱子从门口搬过去。Barry turned away heavily and made for the door.巴里缓慢地转过身,向门口走去。He pulled the heavy box across the floor to the door.他把地上那个沉重的箱子一直拖到门口They made a headlong dash for the door.他们迅猛地向门口冲去。Amy stood quietly in the doorway watching him.埃米一言不发地站在门口看着他。She remained in the doorway, listening to his litany of complaints against her client.她在门口一直听着他对她客户喋喋不休的抱怨。John was standing in the doorway in his shabby blue suit.约翰穿着褴褛的蓝色西服,站在门口A hulking figure appeared in the doorway.一个庞大的身影出现在门口A diminutive figure appeared in the doorway.一个瘦小的身影出现在门口He dropped his voice and glanced round at the door.他放低了声音,在门口环视了一下。We were met at the door by an embarrassed Mr. Brown. 布朗先生在门口见到我们时神色尴尬。I sat in my sunny doorway, rapt in a reverie.我坐在我家满地阳光的门口处,出神冥想。The guards took up their positions by the door.警卫在门口上岗。I escorted him to the door.我把他送到了门口John relieved Jack at the door.约翰接替杰克在门口值班。Julie's sudden appearance in the doorway startled me.朱莉在门口的突然出现让我大吃一惊。Reporters bolted for the door from which the mayor appeared.市长一出现在门口,记者们便蜂拥而上。Judith was hovering in the doorway.朱迪丝在门口徘徊。He sprang up and rushed to the door.他跳起身向门口跑去。The room was so dark, I had to feel my way along the wall to the door.房间里太黑了,我只得沿着墙摸索着走到门口Two hulking figures guarded the entrance of the club.两个壮汉守卫在俱乐部门口He broke for the door, but the guards got there before he did.他向门口冲去,但是警卫先于他赶到了那里。A footstep in the doorway made her leap, guiltily, to her feet.门口的脚步声使她内疚地一跳便站了起来。She pointed at the door and told him to get out.她手指着门口让他滚出去。There were two letters by the door. He stooped and picked them up.门口有两封信,他弯腰把它们捡起来。Clutching her aspirins, she started to push through the thronging shoppers towards the door.她手抓着阿司匹林药片,挤过购物的拥挤人群,走向门口Children came to peep at him round the doorway.孩子们围在门口偷看他。There were some kids at the door asking for money but I sent them packing.门口有几个孩子要钱,但我把他们撵走了。




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