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例句 She poked her head through the door to say goodbye.她把头探出门外道别。The general posted a guard outside the door to his tent.将军在帐篷门外安排了一名警卫站岗。She stuck her head around the door to say goodbye.她把头伸出门外道别。That key will come in handy if you lock yourself out.如果你把自己锁在了门外,那把钥匙就能派上用场了。He waited outside the gate for a few moments until he had government of his feelings.他在大门外等了一会儿,直到他控制住了自己的情绪。She is proficient in two foreign languages.她精通两门外语。She leapt up and ran out the door.她迅速站起来,跑出门外Students must demonstrate fluency in a foreign language to earn a degree.学生要拿到学位,必须证明自己能流利地讲一门外语。The latecomers stood just outside at door and window.迟来者就在门外和窗户外站着。Tubs planted with wallflowers brightened the area outside the door.桂竹香盆栽为门外的景致增色不少。The campaigners held a sit-in outside the Supreme Court.运动参与者在最高法院门外举行了静坐示威。Claire, who was outside the door, overheard their conversation.克莱尔在门外,无意中听到了他们的谈话。Promoters had oversold the show, creating a furious mob of barred ticket-holders.主办方售出过多演出门票,结果门外聚集了大量有票却无法入场的愤怒人群。There was a crowd of hostile demonstrators waiting outside her door.她家门外聚集了一群充满敌意的示威者。They were forced to wait outside for hours, shivering with cold.他们被迫在门外等了几个小时,冷得直发抖。When he saw the police, he made a bolt for the door.他看见警察就向门外逃去。They'd parked their car bang outside my gate.他们正好把汽车停在我家门外Anne vanished from outside her home last Wednesday.安妮上周三突然在家门外失踪了。I dashed past him and out of the door.我从他身边跑过去,冲出门外There was a small statue on the lawn out front.门外草坪上有一座小雕塑。He slammed the door, shutting out the dogs.他砰地一下关上门,把几条狗都关在了门外A crowd had gathered outside the gates of the US embassy.一群人聚集在美国大使馆的门外A huge policeman stood outside the gate.一名身材硕大的警察站在门外He is learning two foreign languages.他在学两门外语。On hearing the soft footsteps outside her room, she was seized with panic.一听到门外有轻轻的脚步声,她惊慌失措。Residents complain of cocaine and heroin dealers selling on the streets outside their homes.居民投诉说,有毒贩在他们家门外的街头上卖可卡因和海洛因。They threw her out of the house bag and baggage.他们把她连同她的东西都扔出门外There was Helena eavesdropping outside the door.当时海伦娜正在门外偷听。There was a violent protest outside the court, and a police officer was injured.法院门外出现暴力抗议,一名警察受伤。He determined that he would learn a foreign language.他下决心学习一门外语。A crowd gathered outside the hotel.一群人聚集在酒店门外Learning a foreign language well can be a lifelong endeavour.要学好一门外语可能需要终身的努力。Can you see who's at the door? I'm on the phone.你能看看谁在门外吗?我在打电话。I vaguely remember a woman in a red dress standing outside the door.我依稀记得一个穿红色连衣裙的女人站在门外The older boys hovered furtively outside the school gates, clutching thinly rolled cigarettes.那几个年长一点的男孩鬼鬼祟祟地在校门外徘徊,手里夹着细细的香烟。I'd forgotten my key and he shut me out.我忘记带钥匙,他就把我关在了门外I found a primo parking space right out front.我就在大门外找到了一个最佳停车位。Wait for me outside the school gates.在校门外等我。There's a suspicious-looking man outside the house; I've had my eye on him for some time.门外有个形迹可疑的人,我已注意他好一会儿了。 Some campgrounds provide a picnic table right outside your door.有些野营地会提供一张就在你门外的野餐桌。




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