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词汇 门上
例句 The door was secured with an iron bar.门上有一根铁闩加固。She withdrew the key from the door.她从门上抽出钥匙。The burglars got in by breaking a pane of glass in a door.窃贼是打碎了门上的一块玻璃进了屋的。The repairman installed an iron latch on the door.修理工在门上安了铁门闩。An extra lock on the door is an added insurance against burglars.门上再加一把锁是额外的防盗保障。The door was carved with fabulous beasts.门上雕刻着寓言故事中的各种动物。A note was pinned on the door of his office.他办公室的门上钉了一张字条。I slipped and cracked my head on the door.我滑了一跤,头磕在了门上The child peeped through a crack in the door.小孩子从门上的裂缝偷看。He hung a plastic skeleton on the door for Halloween.万圣节时他在门上挂了个塑料骨骼模型。She screwed the lock into the door.她用螺丝把锁上到门上The black paint on the door provides a contrast for the white walls.门上的黑漆与白墙形成对照。To open the car window, turn the crank on the door.要开车窗,请摇门上的曲柄。His roommate booby-trapped the door.他的室友在门上设了机关。He could see them through a crack in the door.他能透过门上的一条裂缝看到他们。A horseshoe nailed to your door is supposed to bring good fortune.门上钉上马蹄铁被认为会带来好运。He put both hands flat on the door and pushed as hard as he could.他两只手平放在门上用尽全力推。There was nothing particular about the knocker on the door, except that it was very large.门上的门环没有什么特别的,只是很大而已。I need to fit a lock on the door.我得在门上安把锁。There are reinforcement bars on all doors.所有的门上都有钢筋条加固。The dog scrabbled at the door, trying to get out.狗在门上胡乱抓着想出去。The chair was jammed right up against the door.这把椅子牢牢卡在了门上I popped my head round the door once or twice.我有几次头撞到了门上The paint had chipped off the gate.门上的油漆剥落了。Just post the key through the door after you've locked it.门锁上后就把钥匙从门上的信箱里塞进去。I sellotaped the note to his door.我用透明胶带将便条贴在他的门上There was a card on each door with a guest's name inscribed thereon.每扇门上有一卡片,其上写有宾客的名字。Sam read aloud from the note pinned to his door.萨姆把钉在门上的便条念出来。His head hit the door with a sickening thud.他的头撞在门上发出砰的一声,让人听了很难受。The knife missed its target and stuck in the door.刀子没有刺中目标,戳到了门上I noticed that a pane of glass was missing from the door.我注意到了门上少一块玻璃。The carpenter screwed the hinges to the door.木匠用螺钉将铰链固定到门上He had tacked this note to her door.他用图钉将这张便条钉在她的门上He pressed his back against the door.他后背紧紧靠在门上She bumped her head really hard on the door.她的头狠狠地撞到门上We've put a notice up on the door to say we're open.我们在门上贴了一张告示,说我们正在营业。Blood was spattered on the walls and doors.鲜血溅在了墙上和门上Did you leave your key in the door again?你又把钥匙落在门上了?The hotels replaced their mortise locks on guest rooms with magnetic card readers.宾馆把客房门上的插锁换成了磁卡阅读器。They had built in a wardrobe with mirrored doors.他们把门上带镜子的衣柜嵌在墙内。




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