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词汇 puff
例句 Press the powder gently on the skin with a velour puff.用丝绒粉扑轻轻将粉扑在肌肤上。Don't puff smoke into my face.别把烟朝我脸上喷。I could smell the sickly-sweet aroma of puff.我能闻到大麻的霉香味。The story was just a lot of public relations puff.这篇报道只不过是一堆公关吹捧言辞。A puff of smoke blew out of the open stove into the room.一股烟从敞开的炉子冒出来,飘进了屋。The story was just a PR puff. 这篇报道只不过是一堆公关吹捧言辞。She'll huff and puff for a while, but she'll calm down later.她会发一会儿脾气,但是稍后就会平静下来。Birds puff up their feathers to keep warm.鸟类蓬起羽毛来保暖。The witch disappeared in a puff of smoke.女巫消失在一缕青烟中。All his hard work seemed to be going up in a puff of smoke.他所有的辛劳似乎都成了泡影。She'd be a bit out of puff sometimes after she'd pushed her bike uphill.有时她推着自行车爬上坡后会有些气喘吁吁。When the biscuits puff up and turn brown they are ready.饼膨胀并变成褐色的时候就做好了。He arrived out of puff.他到达时气喘吁吁。The manager took a puff at his cigarette.经理抽了一口烟。Never let anything puff you up.决不要因任何事而骄傲自大。He is going to do a puff job on me.他正打算对我吹捧一番。He took a puff on his pipe and shook his head.他抽了口烟斗,摇了摇头。A sudden puff of cold air hit the back of my neck.突然一阵冷空气扑向了我的脖子后面。She raised the cigarette to her lips, intending to take a puff.她把香烟举到嘴边,打算抽一口。One moment he was standing behind me, the next he had vanished in a puff of smoke.前一秒钟他还站在我身后,后一秒钟他就消失得无影无踪了。Can I tempt you with a little puff pastry?.我能给你尝点泡芙点心吗?There was a small bang, and then a puff of blue smoke.一声很小的爆响之后,冒出了一股青烟。With a puff the balloon was blown up and then burst.气球噗的一下子胀爆了。The old man managed to puff out a few words.那老人好容易喘著气说出几句话。The story was just another puff piece to help the mayor get reelected.这篇报道不过又是一篇吹捧文章,目的是帮助市长再次当选。The magician disappeared in a puff of smoke.魔术师在一阵烟中消失了。What is presented to the public as a critical evaluation is really an elaborate puff for him and his magazine.公众所看到的评论界的好评实际上是对他和他的杂志的一种吹捧。I loved going to university because you could puff away in class.我那时喜欢上大学,因为上课时可以随便吸烟。That commentary was just so much puff.那篇评价文章尽是吹捧而已。We watched the train puff away on its journey west.我们看着火车喷着烟向西驶去。Don't puff your tobacco smoke into my face.别把你吸的烟喷在我脸上。Lauren lit up a cigarette, then breathed out a puff of smoke.劳伦点起一支香烟,吐出一口烟来。She blew out the candles in a single puff. 她一口气吹灭了蜡烛。The puff started at the hairline.发卷从发际线开始卷起。The butter must remain in grated pieces for the pastry to puff up.黄油必须一直是碎粒状才能使油酥面皮鼓起。The disease causes the nasal passages and skin to puff up.这种疾病会导致鼻腔和皮肤肿胀。He took a long puff at his cigar and began his story.他吸了一大口雪茄,然后开始讲起故事来。He felt the puff of air as the tyre burst.车胎爆裂时他感觉到有一股气喷来。Wind caught the sudden puff of dust and blew it inland.风猛地刮起一阵灰尘,将它吹往内陆。The dragon disappeared in a puff of smoke.龙消失在一阵烟雾中。




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