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词汇 promoted
例句 The proposals will be promoted as stimulants for sagging business.这些建议将予推行,以刺激日益萎缩的商业。He got promoted and she got the shaft.他得到了提拔,而她却受到了不公正的待遇。The team have been promoted to the First Division.球队已经晋升为甲级队。The country is now being promoted as a travel destination.正在把该国推为旅游目的地。I had been promoted for what was called gallant and meritorious service.我之所以得到提拔是由于立下了所谓的英勇卓越的功勋。As the story goes, he has been promoted twice in five years.据说他在五年中升迁了两次。The most galling thing is that the guy who got promoted is less qualified than me.最令人气愤的是,那个得到晋升的家伙,资历还不如我。One club is relegated and one promoted each season.每个赛季都有一个俱乐部降级,一个俱乐部晋级。She was promoted after six months.她六个月之后得到了升职。The emperor promoted the general and lavished him with gifts.皇帝擢升了这个将军并赏以厚礼。In just a few short months he was promoted to manager.短短几个月,他就被提升为经理。He joined the Los Angeles police department and was eventually promoted to the rank of lieutenant.他加入洛杉矶警察局,最终晋升为中尉警衔。The students had improved enough after summer school to be promoted to 4th grade.这些学生在暑期补习班提高了很多,有资格升入四年级了。Her boss really gave her the shaft when he promoted someone less experienced instead of her.她的老板提拔了一个缺少经验的人,这对她实在是不公平。I think all the newly-promoted clubs have a great chance of staying up this season.我认为,所有新进升级的球队这个赛季都有很大机会不被降级。Her responsibilities multiplied when she was promoted.她升职后职责大大增多了。She says that I need to do x, y, and z before I can be promoted.她说我要得到晋升必须先完成甲、乙、丙三件事。I liked talking to people and solving problems, but as you get promoted within a firm you lose that personal contact.我喜欢与人交谈、解决问题,然而随着你在公司内部职位的提升,便失去了与人接触的机会。If I'm not promoted within the next two years, I'm going to change jobs.如果我在今后两年内得不到提升,我就换工作。Helen was promoted to senior manager.海伦被提升为高级经理。The emperor promoted the general and lavished him with gifts.皇帝擢升了将军并赏给他丰厚的礼物。He was promoted to district manager. 他晋升为区域经理。He failed to get promoted for lack of resolution.他因缺乏果断力而未能得到升迁。The government has promoted the enterprise culture.政府推动了企业文化的发展。The workers in this company are promoted according to their capabilities.这家公司的工人是根据他们的能力提升的。He was gazetted as captain vice Captain Jones promoted.公告宣布他担任舰长,接替升职调任的琼斯舰长。They announced today that he'll be promoted.他们今天宣布他将升职These products are aggressively promoted and marketed.对这些产品进行了雄心勃勃的推销和市场工作。Cyber environment has promoted the development of compositional teaching.网络环境促进了作文教学的发展。She's been on a power trip since she was promoted to manager.自从被提升为经理后,她就一直享受着权力带来的快乐。She catches on fast and will soon be promoted.她领悟能力强,很快会获得提升。Charles has been promoted to general sales and marketing manager.查尔斯被提升为市场营销总经理。Ron was promoted to branch manager of the North West region.罗恩被提升为西北区的分区经理。The worker was promoted despite aggressive and manipulative behaviour.这个工人尽管盛气凌人,工于心计,却受到了提拔。It is a universal truth that the more we are promoted in a job, the less we exercise the skills we initially used to perform it.我们在工作中越往上晋升,那些最初的工作技能就用得越少,这是明摆着的普遍事实。There is no conceivable reason why he was promoted over her.想不出有什么理由把他提升到她的上面。Rohit may not be promoted soon, but he could hope for time-scale promotion after three years or so when he is eligible under that scheme.罗希特也许不会马上得到提升,但是他能期待在工作三年左右后凭资历升职。He'll get promoted, I'll wager. 我敢打赌,他会升职的。She was promoted into a managerial job.她被提拔去做管理工作。The graduate was promoted over the heads of several of his seniors.这名毕业生得以越过好几位前辈,破格升迁。




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