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A similar pattern was observed among Hispanics.在拉丁裔人群中观察到一种类似的模式。Her speech included a bigoted attack on Hispanics她的讲话里包含对西班牙裔偏执的攻击。It's a school that's brought blacks and whites and Hispanics together.那所学校里会聚了黑人、白人和西班牙裔人。Hispanics are under-represented in US political institutions.在美国的政治机构中缺乏代表西班牙裔的人士。Under US law, state bodies can and do favour women, blacks and Hispanics over white males.按照美国法律,政府机构可以而且也的确给予女性、黑人和西班牙裔比男性白人更多的便利。It's a school that's brought Blacks and Whites and Hispanics together.那所学校里会聚了黑人、白人和西班牙裔人。 |