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词汇 His
例句 His eyes gleamed almost wickedly.他狡黠的双眼闪闪发亮。His opponents loudly reclaimed against his attempt to shut off debate.他的政敌们大声抗议他中止辩论的企图。His colleagues soon got fed up with his schoolboy humour.他的同事很快就厌倦了他那种幼稚的玩笑。His behaviour set people talking.他的行为使人们议论纷纷。His old war wounds still ached in certain weathers.战争给他留下的旧伤在某些天气里仍然疼痛。His smile froze for a moment.他脸上的笑容一时僵住了。His article was just plain silly.他的文章真是愚不可及。His car is rigged out with gadgets.他的汽车装有一样样小配件。His body was limp and almost lifeless.他全身无力,快要死了。His jacket sports the logo of the Giants.他的夹克上特意别着巨人队的标识。His behaviour grew more unpredictable by the day, and increasingly tyrannical.他的行为一天比一天难捉摸,且愈发地残暴。Leonard was working at his German. His mistakes made her laugh.伦纳德正在学习德语,他出的洋相让她哈哈大笑。His cheeks bulged, and his face turned purple with rage.他气得鼓起了脸颊,脸色铁青。His inexperience militates against his getting an early promotion.缺乏经验妨碍了他提早晋升。His poetic accomplishments can now be viewed entire in the collection.现在可以从这本诗集里完整地看到他的诗歌成就。His proposal has raised squawks of protest in Congress.他的建议在国会里引起了大声抗议。His interest in sailing is purely academic. He's not a sailor himself.他对航海的兴趣完全是纸上谈兵,他自己不是水手。His hopes exhaled in empty smoke.他的希望化成了泡影。His new novel has been favourably reviewed.他的新小说受到了好评。His style of humor was very human, and that's why people cotton to him.他的幽默很有人情味,这让人们开始喜欢上他。His rich palette regales the eye.他用的丰富色彩使人赏心悦目。His score on the reading test last year was very disappointing.他去年阅读课考试成绩实在令人失望。His family had come with him to give him moral support.为了给他精神上的支持家人也和他一起来了。His flattering tongue had won many women over.他的甜言蜜语俘获了很多女人的芳心。His story was exaggerated out of proportion.他的故事夸张得离谱了。His unsteady gait shows he's probably had a couple of belts.他蹒跚的步子表明,他大概已经喝过几杯了。His illness left him subject to asthma attacks.他的病使他容易哮喘发作。His comment was a conversation stopper.他的评论妨碍了谈话。His recent novel is reckoned as the worst of the year.他最近问世的小说被认为是本年度最差的一本。His parents bankrolled his college education.他的父母为他的大学教育提供资金支持。His practice is in contradiction to his stated principles.他干出来的事情老是同自己申明的原则相违背。His eyes were wide in disbelief.他的眼睛睁得大大的,满是不信任。His staff are fully aware of the firm's trials and tribulations.他手下的全体员工完全知道公司艰难的情况。His legs knocked against the chair.他的两条腿撞到了椅子。His lazy son is a millstone round his neck.他那懒散的儿子是套在他身上的一个沈重负担。His harsh words cut me very deeply.他尖刻的话语深深地伤害了我。His honesty was called in question.他是否诚实令人怀疑。His explanation was too pat to be believable.他的解释太过敷衍,让人难以相信。His entire working life was spent with the same firm.他一生都在为同一家公司工作。His landlord had to chase him up for his rent.他的房东只好追着他讨要房租。




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