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Harper made an abstract of Prof. Hunter's lecture.哈珀将亨特教授的讲座做了摘要。Please send all your remarks to Prof. Gibson as soon as possible.请尽快把你的所有意见送交吉布森教授。Prof. Smith remarked on the difference between the two dictionaries.史密斯教授谈到了这两本词典的不同之处。Prof. Smith had left the university a few days earlier to recuperate at home over the Christmas holiday period.史密斯教授提前几天离开学校,为的是在圣诞节期间在家休养。The recent discovery of the largest meteorite crater in Europe gives credence to Prof Solomon's theory.最近发现的欧洲最大的陨石坑提高了所罗门教授的理论的可信度。 |