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词汇 primitive
例句 In those days, dental equipment was primitive and a visit to the dentist was a painful experience.那时候牙科设备很简陋,看牙医是件痛苦的事。They lived in appalling conditions, lacking even the most primitive sanitation.他们的生活条件令人震惊,甚至连最基本的卫生设施都没有。The paradox is that the region's most dynamic economies have the most primitive financial systems.矛盾之处在于这个地区最有活力的经济体却有着最落后的金融体系。The spiny anteater is a mammal, although a very primitive one.针鼹属于哺乳动物,尽管是非常原始的一种。His art is primitive and provincial.他的艺术原始而粗野。It is a primitive instinct to flee a place of danger.逃离危险的地方是一种原始本能。It is a primitive but effective device for raising water from a well.这是从井里汲水的一种简陋但很有效的装置。A primitive form of microscopic life may have existed on Mars billions of years ago.微生物的原始形态可能数十亿年前就已在火星上存在了。The camp had only a primitive outdoor toilet.这个营地只有一个简陋的户外厕所。The conditions are primitive by any standards.无论用什么标准来衡量,其条件都很简陋。The facilities are on the primitive side.这些设备过于原始了些。These creatures are generally taken to be descended from primitive fishes.这些生物通常被认为是从原始鱼类演变而来的。Living conditions in the village are still quite primitive.这个村子的生活条件仍然很原始。He will publish his observations on the social life of these primitive tribes.他将公布他对那些原始部落的社会生活观察所得的资料。Bucket brigades constitute a primitive fire service.为应急而组织起来的一队人构成了最初的消防队。The tribe's development was more primitive than that of their neighbours.那个部落处于比邻近部落更原始的发展阶段。The civilization of a primitive society is a gradual process which takes centuries.原始社会的开化是一个经过许多世纪的渐进的过程。It's using some rather primitive technology.它使用的是非常古老的技术。In primitive times man went without clothing.在原始时代,人光着身子跑来跑去。His book describes the march of the civilization of a primitive society.他的著作描述了一个原始社会的开化过程。The local hospital care is primitive and unreliable.当地医院的治疗水平落后,靠不住。These primitive peoples are believed to have worshipped the phallus as a symbol of regeneration.据信这些原始人崇拜阴茎形象,把它视为繁衍的象征。The most commonly cited example of a primitive device is the abacus.说到早期的用具,最常举的例子是算盘。The conditions are primitive by any standards.不管怎么看,条件都十分简陋。Many primitive life forms are found in the depths of the oceans.在大洋深处发现了许多原始生命形式。The technology they used was primitive and outdated.他们使用的技术非常原始并且过时了。These artists derived much of their imagery from the art of so-called primitive peoples.这些艺术家作品中的意象很多是源自所谓的原始人艺术创造。Contact sports such as football and boxing allow a temporary regression into primitive aggression.身体接触的运动项目,例如足球和拳击,容许人们暂时退回原始性的攻击。This epic extolled the founder of this primitive tribe.这部史诗歌颂了这个原始部落的创始人。The conditions in the camp were fairly primitive.露营地的条件相当简陋。His music has a primitive quality.他的音乐具有一种原始的特质。The first station buildings were quite primitive.最初的车站很简陋。Duffy's primitive guitar playing is well below par.达菲粗糙的吉他演奏技巧远不够水平。She was pictured as both a primitive and an academic.她被描述为一个集质朴与学究为一身的人。Early settlers had to cope with very primitive living conditions.早期殖民者不得不应付非常原始的生存条件。All human beings are, at rock bottom, psychologically primitive.从本质上说,所有的人在心理上都处于原始状态。Conditions at the camp are very primitive.营地条件非常简陋。The primitive surgery of those days left him virtually deaf in one ear.那时候简陋的外科手术让他一只耳朵几乎失聪。




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