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词汇 prevail
例句 Justice will prevail.正义必将取胜。We'll try to prevail on him to accept the invitation.我们将尽力说服他接受邀请。We must, each of us, prevail upon our congressman to act.我们每一个人都必须说服我们各自的国会议员采取行动。Good will prevail over evil.善良将战胜邪恶。He could not prevail with her to dance with him again.他未能说服她再次与他共舞。We'll try to prevail with him to accept the invitation.我们将尽力说服他接受邀请。We'll try to prevail upon him to accept the invitation.我们将尽力说服他接受邀请。Financial, not moral, considerations will prevail in a plutocracy.在富豪当政的国家里,人们见利忘义。Westerly winds prevail during the greater part of the year.一年的大部分时间吹的都是西风。Common sense must prevail in the end.常识终将获胜。We hope that sanity and political realism would prevail in that country.我们希望明智与政治上的现实态度会在那个国家占统治地位。The pity is that this row has blown up just as everyone was hoping that peace would prevail.遗憾的是,就在大家盼着能和解时,争执已经爆发了。He appears to have the votes he needs to prevail.他似乎已经获得了取胜所需的选票。We still hope that sanity will prevail.我们仍然希望理智占上风。As long as these weather conditions prevail, we are unable to rescue the climbers.如果这种天气情况继续下去,我们就无法营救登山者。I do hope he will prevail over the rebels.我真心希望他能战胜叛乱者。Political and personal ambitions are starting to prevail over economic interests.政治抱负和个人野心开始压倒经济利益。I am sure that common sense will prevail in the end.我相信常识最终会获胜。Barbaric customs still prevail in the mountainous area.野蛮的习俗仍流行于这一山区。Different doctrines prevail at different periods.不同时期盛行不同的教义。Our scholars and leaders and common people must have vectored minds if we are to prevail.要取得成功,我们的学者、领导人和普通百姓一定得转变思想。Eventually, IP telephony will prevail, and the traditional PBX will be a museum piece.最终,网络电话将大行其道,而传统的程控交换机将成为古董。She seems to think that animal rights should prevail over everything else.她似乎认为动物的权利应当高于一切。These customs still prevail in remote areas.这些风俗在偏远地区仍然盛行。The centre-left coalition is expected to prevail in next month's election.中左派联盟可能会在下个月的选举中胜出。Rick still believes that justice will prevail.里克仍然相信正义将会得到伸张。We hope that common sense will prevail and an agreement will soon be reached.我们希望共识能占上风并且很快能达成协议。It is natural that superstition should prevail everywhere in barbarous ages.在荒蛮年代,迷信的到处盛行是很自然的。I hope that common sense will prevail.我希望常识将起作用。Truth will always prevail over lies.真理总会战胜谎言。Can true love prevail?真爱能够战胜一切吗?




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