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词汇 posh
例句 I wouldn't have thought she had such posh friends.我没有想到她会有如此有头有脸的朋友。Will your posh university friends be coming tonight?你那些派头十足的大学里的朋友今晚来吗?Beverly Hills has many posh restaurants and shops.比佛利山庄有许多一流的餐厅和商店。I took her to a posh hotel for a cocktail.我带她到一家高级酒店去喝鸡尾酒。Her parents are terribly posh.她父母是十足的上流社会作派。Valerie put on a posh accent and asked to see the manager immediately.瓦莱丽装出上流社会口音,要求立即见经理。A woman with a very posh accent phoned for him earlier.一位谈吐高雅的女士早些时候打电话找他。They live in a posh neighborhood.他们住在一个高档社区。He sounded so posh on the phone.在电话里听起来,他的谈吐非常优雅。Over the years, I'd gotten used to all the perks of working at a posh downtown Miami law firm.这些年来,我已经习惯了在迈阿密市中心一家高级律师事务所工作的种种好处。She went to a posh girls’ school in Switzerland.她曾在瑞士一所女子贵族学校就读。I stayed at a posh hotel.我住在一家豪华酒店。They laugh when I try to talk posh.当我努力谈吐高雅时,他们哄堂大笑。She goes to a posh girls’ school near Brighton.她在布赖顿附近的一所贵族女校上学。She's set her mind on having a big posh wedding.她一心要举行一个大排场的豪华婚礼。It was far better than vegetarian offerings in many a posh restaurant.它比许多豪华餐馆里的素食菜品好得多。Celebrating a promotion, I took her to a posh hotel for a cocktail.为庆祝晋升,我带她去豪华饭店喝了鸡尾酒。He takes her to some really posh restaurants.他带她去了一些真正高档的饭店。The family is very posh.这个家族颇具上流社会的做派。It was very, very good, far better than vegetarian offerings in many a posh restaurant.这道菜真是人间美味,远远超过很多豪华餐厅的素食菜品。I felt diffident about entering the posh hotel with my tattered suitcase.提着破衣箱走进那家豪华宾馆,我战战兢兢地浑身不自在。She can keep her wild parties and posh friends – I like the quiet life.随她去参加那种狂野派对、交富贵朋友吧,我喜欢过安静的生活。When I'm famous I'm going to stay in a posh hotel and drink champagne all day.我成名之后要住高级酒店,整天喝香槟。




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