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词汇 繁文缛节
例句 Applying for approval involves a great deal of red tape.申请批准牵涉许多繁文缛节We were able to start the project once she told us how to cut through the red tape.只要她告诉我们如何顺利通过那些繁文缛节,我们就能启动这个项目了。She was fed up with all the red tape and bureaucracy.她极其讨厌繁文缛节和官僚作风。She spends much of her time putting out fires and navigating red tape.她大部分时间都花在火急火燎地应对问题以及鼓捣繁文缛节上了。The new manager showed a healthy disrespect for formality.新经理表现出对繁文缛节的轻视,这是有益的。The little money that was available was tied up in bureaucratic red tape.能用的那点儿小钱被繁文缛节拖得遥遥无期。Diplomats believe that bureaucratic delays are inevitable.外交官们认为繁文缛节造成的延迟是在所难免的。He gets things done by cutting through the bureaucratic red tape.他能避开官僚的繁文缛节把事情迅速办成。Like most microbusiness owners, she fears bureaucratic regulations and red tape.和绝大部分微型企业的拥有者一样,她担心官僚规章和繁文缛节People usually complain about having to deal with too much bureaucracy.人们经常抱怨不得不应付太多的繁文缛节As an American, she had no truck with the painful formality of English life.作为一名美国人,她不愿拘泥于英国人生活中令人厌烦的繁文缛节They are faced with a mountain of bureaucracy.他们面临一大堆繁文缛节Trying to enforce the law regulating the length of passenger buses has been a bureaucratic nightmare.试图执行控制公共汽车长度的法律成了官僚主义的繁文缛节I had a lot of bureaucratic hassle trying to get the information I needed.为了得到我所需要的信息,我费尽周折应对繁文缛节How do we deal with all this red tape?我们如何应对所有这些繁文缛节




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