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词汇 繁忙
例句 We live in a ground floor flat which backs onto a busy street.我们住在一楼的一套公寓房里,背对着一条繁忙的街道。Having grown up in a rural area, she is not used to the busyness of big cities.因为在乡村长大,她不习惯大城市的繁忙On Saturday morning, the town hums with activity and life.周六早晨,小镇一派热闹繁忙,活力盎然。At first she was bewildered by all the noise and activity of the city.起初,她对城市中的噪音和繁忙感到不知所措。He cautioned us against playing in that busy street.他告诫我们不要在那条交通繁忙的大街上玩耍。The main road is busy, so be careful when you try to cross it.主路上交通繁忙,横过时要小心。Le Shuttle competes with an ever-rising number of ferries for the busy Channel crossing.海峡隧道与越来越多的渡船竞争繁忙的横渡英吉利海峡的生意。Police and motoring organizations said the roads were slightly busier than normal.警方和一些汽车组织表示,这些公路比平常稍繁忙一些。Being a nurse in a busy hospital is a demanding job - you don't get much free time.繁忙的医院里当护士可不是轻松的工作,你没有多少空余时间。Relax on the beach or enjoy the hustle and bustle of the busy fishing port.要么在海滩上尽情放松,要么去观赏一下繁忙的渔港中那熙来攘往的景象。She's up to her neck in debt/problems/work.她债台高筑/问题缠身/工作繁忙This stretch of water is heavily used by shipping.这片水域航运繁忙This place is really busy most of the time.这地方大部分时间都非常繁忙Our brief trip to the beach was a much-needed oasis in a summer of hard work.在工作繁忙的炎炎夏日,短暂的海滩之行是我们迫切需要的放松调剂。The collision took place in the busiest shipping lanes in the world.撞船事故发生在全世界最繁忙的航线上。New York is the busiest port on the East Coast.纽约是美国东海岸最繁忙的口岸。It's a wonderful place to escape from the hubbub of London's busy streets.这是一个美妙的地方,远离了伦敦那繁忙喧嚣的街道。The roads are always busy on bank holidays.每逢公共假日马路上总是很繁忙Sometimes you need to take time out of your busy lives just to be together and reconnect.有时候你需要从繁忙的生活中抽出一点时间来,就是为了相处在一起并改善关系。It's amazing how many schools front busy roads.这么多学校面朝交通繁忙的道路,真让人诧异。I took a position as a receptionist at a very busy office.我在一家业务繁忙的事务所里找了一份接待员的差使。I've got a very heavy week ahead.未来的一周我会非常繁忙Kolkata is a hive of industry and trade.加尔各答是工业和贸易的繁忙之地。This is the most heavily trafficked highway in the state.这是该州交通最繁忙的一条公路。Heavy traffic put a hitch in our plans.繁忙的交通使我们的计划不能顺利进行。The airport was getting geared up to deal with a heavier schedule of flights.机场正在准备应付更繁忙的航班时间表。There was quite a lot of traffic today but yesterday was even busier.今天的交通够拥挤的,不过昨天更繁忙It seems to ease all the aches and pains of a hectic and tiring day.繁忙劳碌了一天所带来的周身酸痛似乎被一扫而空。She maintains a busy practice as a leading silk in employment law.作为雇佣法方面的首席王室律师,她业务繁忙The harbour bustled with activity.海港热闹繁忙Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk to us.谢谢你从繁忙的日程安排中抽出时间来和我们谈话。Travel is a dream of mine, but a busy working life has restricted my opportunities.旅行是我的梦想,但繁忙的工作却限制了我的旅行机会。Brown hopes to be back in the thick of the action as soon as possible.布朗希望尽快重新投入繁忙的工作。Lectoure is a bustling market town and the best jumping-off point for a first visit to Le Gers.莱克图尔是一个繁忙的集镇,同时也是第一次游览热尔省的最佳出发地。The house was located in a congested area. 这房子坐落在交通繁忙地区。The bomb went off in a concrete dustbin at the peak of the morning rush hour.在最繁忙的交通早高峰期,那枚炸弹在一个混凝土垃圾箱里爆炸了。She's trying to avoid getting caught up in the social whirl. 她尽量避免陷入繁忙的社交活动。Having an extra pair of hands during busy periods can take the pressure off.繁忙时段多一个帮手可以减轻压力。Extra staff have been taken on to cover busy periods.额外雇用了一些员工来应付繁忙时期。Work has been so hectic - I really need a holiday.工作非常繁忙—我真的需要休一次假了。




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