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词汇 繁星
例句 All around him, from east to west, north to south, the stars glittered in the heavens.在他的四周,从东到西,从北向南,苍穹里到处繁星闪闪。The stars winked in the night sky.夜空中繁星闪烁。Elaine looked up at the black, velvety sky studded with tiny, twinkling stars.伊莱恩抬头看着漆黑的、丝绒般的天空,闪闪繁星点缀其中。Millions of stars were shining in the heavens.天空中繁星闪烁。The sky glittered with a myriad stars.天空中繁星闪烁。A billion stars shone in the night sky.夜空中繁星闪烁。They slept outside beneath the stars.他们露宿在繁星之下。He then stencilled the ceiling with a moon and stars motif.他随后用模版在天花板上印上了月亮和繁星图案。I would rather stare at a clear, star-filled sky than a TV set.我宁可凝视繁星满天的晴朗夜空也不愿盯着电视机。Over her shoulder, the stars twinkled in the black sky.她的头顶上,黑色的夜空繁星闪烁。




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