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词汇 politically
例句 Raising income tax is considered politically dangerous.据认为,提高所得税有政治风险。Children should be more politically aware.儿童应当多一些政治意识。The President's wife is often politically astute, ambitious and very influential in White House policy decisions.这位总统夫人的政治触觉常很敏锐,雄心勃勃,在白宫的决策上有很大影响力。All this does not put the President over the hump politically.所有这些并没有使总统在政治上度过最困难阶段。She was politically active as a volunteer for her state representative.她作为自己州议会众议员选举的志愿者,在政治上很活跃。Is it surprising that young people who are politically illiterate do not bother to vote?对政治一窍不通的年轻人不屑于参加选举,这有什么奇怪?It occurred to Tom to wonder whether Jane was quite trustworthy. Not that he thought she was in any way politically active.汤姆突然想到简是不是值得信任,并不是说他认为简有些热衷于政治。He dismisses his critics as a bunch of politically correct do-gooders.他对那些评论他的人不屑一顾,认为他们都是一些打着官腔的无用之徒。The meeting must be at a politically neutral location.这次会议必须在一个政治上中立的地点举行。Patronage is a potent force if used politically.任命权用在政治上会成为一种强大的力量。They are politically very aware.他们政治上非常警觉。Blake was intellectually able but politically inept.布莱克很聪慧,但在政治上却很愚笨。If you want to be politically correct, call him differently-abled, not disabled.如果你想政治上正确,那就称他所能不同,而不是残疾人。The decision is a politically risky one.这个决定在政治上有风险。It is a politically sensitive issue.这是个政治敏感问题。He's politically naive. = He's naive about the nature of politics.他对政治一无所知。The country has made enormous strides politically but not economically.该国在政治上取得了巨大的发展,但经济却跟不上去。This sort of scandal in international banking has been politically costly.国际银行业的这种丑闻一直以来都会造成极其恶劣的政治影响。She is politically very different from most of her contemporaries.她与大多数同龄人在政治主张上有很大差异。Young people are becoming politically inactive.年轻人在政治上变得不热衷了。The US has sought to isolate Cuba both economically and politically.美国一直想在经济和政治上孤立古巴。When I was young, I was more politically radical.我年轻时在政治上更为激进。Gershwin's lyrics would today probably be deemed politically incorrect.格什温的歌词在今天很可能被视为政治上不正确。Governments frequently ignore human rights abuses in other countries if it is politically expedient to do so.如果在政治上对自己有利,各国政府经常忽视其他国家侵犯人权的行为。What I really want to do politically is find a way out of the dualism of factions and parties.在政治上我真正想做的是,找到摆脱派系及政党二元性的方法。He certainly was not politically inactive.他无疑是热衷政治的。She hasn't been charged with a crime, but politically she's damaged goods and will never get elected.她没有受到犯罪指控,但从政治上讲她已身败名裂,再也无法当选了。It would be politically disastrous for the president to approve the death sentences.如果总统批准死刑,将会是一场政治灾难。The crime was not politically motivated.这个罪行不是出于政治动机。Women were becoming more politically active.妇女在政治上变得愈来愈活跃。He finds himself politically enfeebled.他发现自己的政治势力变得衰弱。He denied that political pressures had motivated his decision. = He denied that his decision was politically motivated. 他否认做这个决定是由于政治压力。When did you first become politically active?你是什么时候开始投身政治的?There are reasons to doubt that a second trial is morally, legally or politically justified.我们有理由怀疑重审是否有道德、法律或政治理据。We suspect that the violence was politically inspired.我们觉得这次暴力冲突是由政治原因所致。He says he doesn't hold with all this politically correct stuff.他声言反对所有这些政治上正确的东西。Some very politically correct parents won't let their children play with toy guns.一些非常讲究政治原则的家长不让他们的孩子摆弄玩具枪。It's a politically acute film that does not oversimplify the issues.这部电影很有政治见地,没有将问题过于简单化。The party is attempting to engage young voters politically.这个政党设法让年轻选民参与政治。Since the job required that he be politically neutral, he had to sever his links with the Socialist Party.由于工作需要他在政治上保持中立,所以他不得不与社会党断绝联系。




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