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词汇 plough
例句 He was not content to plough the same furrow as his father.他不满足于对父亲亦步亦趋。I've got piles of unanswered mail to plough through.我还有成堆的邮件没看呢。The park has gone under the plough.这公园被开垦成农田了。The Chancellor has opted to plough on with policies that could run his coalition on to the rocks.总理选择了苦苦执行可能使他的联合政府触礁的政策。I've got an enormous pile of papers to plough through.我有成堆的文件要看。The soil sticks to the blade and blocks the plough.土粘在犁铧上,卡住了犁。She was ready to plough down everything that stood in the way of her goal.她准备排除一切前进道路上的障碍。The farmer knocked off the lumps of earth in between the blades of his plough.农夫把犁板片中间的泥块敲掉。They wait to plough and sow until after the frost is out of the ground.他们要等到地面的霜融化后才耕耘播种。Most staff will never want to plough through the manuals that come with the software.大多数员工不愿意坚持读完软件的使用手册。These fields have been under the plough for centuries.这些田地已耕种了好几个世纪了。There was not one inch of soil that was not under the plough.没有一寸土地未被开垦成耕地。If we all put our hands to the plough, we can finish the work tomorrow.如果我们大家都尽力干,明天就能完成这项工作。It would pay farmers to plough up the scrub and plant wheat.它会出钱雇农民开垦这块低矮丛林来种植麦子。She has had to plough a lone/lonely furrow in her pursuit of reform.在追求改革的过程中,她只得单枪匹马地干。Mr. Dambar watched her plough through the grass.丹巴尔先生看着她艰难地涉草而过。She was not afraid to plough her own furrow. 她不惧怕特立独行。Horses plough up the paths and make them muddy for walkers.马匹把小路都踏坏了,使行路者走起来泥泞不堪。Two horses were pulling the plough.两匹马在拉犁。We're going to plough the top field next week.我们下周要耕种山顶上的那块地。The plough dug a series of furrows across the field.犁在田地里耕出一条条犁沟。After months without rain, the ground was too hard to plough.几个月没下雨了,土地太硬,很难犁。You'll never manage to plough through all that food.你不可能把那些东西都吃完。The government will plough ahead with tests this year, despite a boycott from teachers.尽管有教师们的抵制,政府今年仍将执意推行这些考试。




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