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词汇 plays
例句 Shakespeare's plays were written in five acts.莎士比亚的戏剧是按五幕剧格式创作的。She plays the piano entirely by ear.他演奏钢琴完全凭听觉记忆,不用乐谱。He could even be the next manager of the England team if he plays his cards right.如果他处理得好,说不定都能当上英格兰队的下任教练。He plays smart and the fans appreciate that.他打法灵活,粉丝们都很欣赏他这一点。She plays in a rock band.她在一个摇滚乐队中演奏。He jumped ship and now plays for another team.他离开老东家,现在在为另一支球队效力。He never took piano lessons - he just plays by ear.他从没上过钢琴课,他只是凭听觉记忆的演奏。Like many plays, this one shifts back and forth in time and place.和许多剧一样,这个剧也是在时空上来回变换。She plays at the National Theatre tonight.今晚她在国家戏院演出。In his bright yellow VW he plays chicken with lorries.他开着他的明黄色大众汽车和大货车叫板。Although the budget committees guide Congress's actions on spending, every committee plays a role.虽然预算委员会指导国会在开支方面的行动,但其实每个委员会都发挥各自的作用。Sheer chance quite often plays an important part in sparking off an idea.灵感的激发通常纯粹是靠运气。She plays the hapless heroine who is unlucky in love.她扮演那位爱情不幸的女主角。No matter what position he plays, he'll be a great asset to the team.无论他踢什么位置,都是我们球队的重要资产。Just as the teacher plays the role of leader in the classroom, so does the headteacher play a leadership role in the school.在课堂上老师扮演着领导者的角色,同样,在学校里校长也充当着领导者的角色。His latest work is an expansion of themes foreshadowed in his earlier plays.他最近的作品是对其早期剧作中所预示的主题的延伸。Jodi plays every bit as well as the men.乔迪打得一点儿也不比男人差。She plays for the same team as I do.她和我为同一支球队效力。He plays the guitar and sings folk songs.他弹吉他唱民歌。A performer in evening dress plays classical selections on the violin.一名身穿晚礼服的表演者用小提琴演奏了几段古典音乐。She's happy playing with her toys. = She's happy when she plays with her toys.她玩玩具时很开心。Is he a good sport when he plays cards?他玩牌时经得起输吗? He plays first base for the Red Sox.他在红袜队打一垒。He plays a conniving swindler who charms people into giving him money.他扮演一个诱骗他人钱财的阴险骗子。She only plays the lottery when there's a large jackpot.她只在有大笔累积奖金的时候才玩乐透奖。He plays right field.他打右外场手的位置。The students did role-plays to practice for their interviews.为了准备面试,学生们进行了角色扮演。He plays the piano only because it amuses himself.他弹钢琴只是为了自娱。He has copyrighted all of his plays.他已取得自己所有剧作的版权。He always plays off the boy who stammers badly.他老是取笑那个有严重口吃的男孩。Her plays lack the pace and tension of her thrillers.她的剧作缺乏她的恐怖小说具有的快节奏和紧张感。He likes/plays jazz.他喜欢/演奏爵士乐。He made several nice defensive plays.他做了几个漂亮的防守动作。She's a good player but she'll meet her match when she plays Sara.她是个非常优秀的选手,但与萨拉较量算是遇上了对手。These two short plays will make up a well-balanced double bill.这两出短剧同场演出,可收相辅相成之效。He plays soccer professionally.他是职业足球运动员。In the film, he plays a spy whose mission is to confirm the verity of a secret military document.在电影中,他扮演一名间谍,肩负的任务是弄清一份秘密军事文件的真实性。The band plays rumba.乐队演奏伦巴舞曲。He plays baseball, drinks a lot of beer and generally acts like one of the boys.他踢足球,喝啤酒,总的说来是典型的男人作为。The team may not have the best players, but it plays to its strengths.这个队也许没有最优秀的选手,但他们善于发挥自己的长处。




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