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词汇 ripe
例句 Haig's message was that victory was ripe for picking.黑格传达的意思是说胜利唾手可得。This society is ripe for change.发生社会变革的时机已经成熟。Those old sneakers smell pretty ripe.那双旧运动鞋臭烘烘的。Those tomatoes aren't ripe yet.那些番茄还没熟。The apples dropped ripe from the trees.成熟的苹果从树上落下。The moment is ripe for action. 采取行动的时机成熟了。Is this melon ripe enough to eat?这瓜熟到可以吃了吗?The government decided the time was ripe for an election.政府决定选举的时机已成熟。Those bananas aren't ripe yet - they're still green.那些香蕉还没有成熟——还是绿的。The bananas are full ripe.这些香蕉完全熟了。Some of the apples were not quite ripe.一些苹果不太熟。The colonies were ripe for revolution.各殖民地已为革命作好了充分准备。Some of the smaller firms are ripe for takeover.接管一些小一点的公司的时机已成熟。This brie smells good and ripe.这种法国布里奶酪味道醇正而浓郁。The company is ripe for takeover.对这家公司进行收购的时机已经成熟。The army was ripe for action.军队做好了战斗准备。The time is ripe to send our ambassador to the region.是时候向该地区派驻大使了。The former dock area is ripe for development.这片从前的码头地区可以开发了。He told reporters that he thought the time was ripe for a normalisation of relations.他告诉记者他认为是时候恢复两国间正常关系。The apples are nearly ripe.苹果快要成熟了。Half-ripe apples were being trampled underfoot.半熟的苹果正被踩在脚下。Use firm, ripe pears, not ones that have gone mushy.用坚实成熟的梨子,不要用烂熟的那种。The apples are ripe so we're going to pick some.苹果熟了,我们打算去摘一些。The plot is ripe for execution.实现阴谋的时机业已成熟。The army has withdrawn, leaving the country ripe for the picking.军队已经撤离,攻占该国易如反掌。He rent off a ripe fruit from the tree.他从树上摘下一只熟果子。Make sure the plums are fully ripe before you eat them.李子一定要熟透了再吃。I'm sure he'll live to a ripe old age.我肯定他会高寿的。Matilda lived to a ripe old age.玛蒂尔达活到很老。The police forces are ripe for reform.警察队伍的改革条件已经成熟。Her husband died in ripe years.她的丈夫正值壮年就去世了。The crops were just about ripe.农作物就快成熟了。The nation is ripe for collapse.这个国家崩溃的日子就在眼前了。She can discriminate between ripe and unripe fruit by smell alone.她闻一闻就能辨别出水果的生熟。The kitchen garden is ripe with tomatoes.菜园里的番茄已长熟了。Emergent democracies created markets that were ripe for exploitation.新兴民主国家创造出了适宜开发的市场。The time was ripe for proposing his plan.提出他的计划的时机已经成熟。We gorged ourselves on ripe plums.我们没命地吃成熟的李子。He lived to a ripe old age.他得享高寿。Why is Miami such a ripe setting for crime fiction?为何犯罪小说总以迈阿密为背景呢?




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