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词汇 ripening
例句 My plans are ripening - now all I need is official approval.我的计划就要瓜熟蒂落了——现在就差官方的批准了。The corn was already ripening and the trees in full leaf.玉米已经成熟,树木也已枝繁叶茂。Cheese sweats during ripening.奶酪成熟过程中会出水。The apples were ripening on the trees.树上的苹果都熟了。The tomatoes finished ripening on the windowsill.番茄在窗台上放熟了。We looked at the fields of ripening wheat and barley.我们看了看地里那些快要成熟的小麦和大麦。We drove past fields of ripening wheat.我们驱车经过快要成熟的麦田。They filled every inch of space by interplanting early-ripening crops with late-ripening crops.他们实行早熟作物和晚熟作物间种,不让土地有一寸空闲。These melons are ripening nicely.这些瓜马上就熟透了。




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