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词汇 rioters
例句 He called the rioters a threat to the social order.他说那些暴乱分子是对社会秩序的一种威胁。City authorities were quick to crack down on the rioters.市政府当局很快就把暴乱分子镇压了。The rioters went on a rampage and vandalized many shops.叛乱分子聚众闹事,捣毁了许多商店。The police, raining blows on rioters and spectators alike, cleared the park.警察不分闹事者与观众统统一顿猛击,把人们清除出了足球场。The police were called in to break up the rioters.警察被叫来制止聚众闹事者。The police demanded that the rioters disperse immediately.警察勒令闹事者立即散开。The rioters fired shots in the air to drive away news photographers.骚乱者朝天开枪驱散摄影记者。Guards fringed the building to protect it from the rioters.卫兵密集地站在大楼四周防止暴徒攻击。He said that the rioters had been killed accidentally, the reverse of what had actually happened.他说闹事者被杀是意外,但事实正好相反。Police fired gunshots and tear gas to disperse the rioters.警察开枪并用催泪弹驱散骚乱的人群。The police took swift action against the rioters.警方对暴动人员迅速采取了行动。Visitors to the area were caught between police and the rioters.到该地区游玩的人碰上警察和骚乱分子交战。The police used tear gas to subdue the rioters.警察用催泪瓦斯制服闹事者。The rioters faced police who were wielding clubs and batons.暴动者面对着挥舞棍棒的警察。Two police officers had a narrow escape when rioters attacked their vehicle.两名警察在暴乱分子袭击警车时死里逃生。The rioters were prevented from venting their anger on the police.闹事者向警察发泄怒气的企图没有得逞。Two of the rioters had shirts torn almost into shreds.暴徒中有两人的衬衣已被撕成碎条。Troops opened fire on the rioters.军队向暴徒开火了。Squads of prison officers have been probing the rioters' defences.几队狱警一直都在探察暴乱者的防卫情况。Police threw smoke bombs at the rioters.警方向骚乱者投掷了烟幕弹。The militia dispersed the rioters.民兵驱散了暴乱者。The police arrested the ringleaders of the rioters.警察逮捕了暴动分子的头目。The police have recently had to defend their policy of using force against rioters.警方最近不得不维护动用武力来对付暴乱者的政策。The rioters torched the local library.暴乱者放火烧了当地的图书馆。One eyewitness said the rioters were engaged in an orgy of destruction.一位目击者称暴徒肆无忌惮地到处进行破坏。The rioters barricaded roads with piles of blazing tyres.骚乱者点燃堆起的轮胎堵住了道路。The rioters were forcibly removed from the scene.暴乱者被强行驱逐出现场。The rioters were throwing petrol bombs.暴乱分子在投掷汽油弹。The rioters vented their anger on the police.骚乱分子向警察发泄怒气。The rioters barricaded streets with piles of blazing tyres.暴徒用一堆堆燃烧的轮胎在大街上筑起了路障。Groups of rioters attacked and set the police headquarters on fire.成群结队的暴徒袭击并放火焚烧了警察总局。The police charged the rioters with batons raised.警察举起警棍驱赶闹事暴徒。The Observer carries a big front-page picture of rioters in a litter-strewn street.《观察家报》在头版刊登了一张暴乱者聚集在满是垃圾的街头的大幅照片。Police dispersed the rioters with tear gas.警察用催泪毒气驱散暴乱者。He was dragged from his car by the rioters.他被暴徒从车里拽了出来。The rioters set fires and looted with impunity.暴徒们放火、抢劫,却未受惩罚。




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