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词汇 playing with
例句 Parents need to spend time just playing with their children.父母应该花时间和自己的孩子玩耍。He is playing with his model railway.他在玩他的模型铁路。She's happy playing with her toys. = She's happy when she plays with her toys.她玩玩具时很开心。Zach was playing with a toy truck on the floor.扎克正在地板上玩一辆玩具卡车。She was playing with fire by secretly borrowing office funds.她暗中挪用公款简直是玩火。You have to take this seriously. You're playing with people's lives!你必须认真对待这件事。你正在拿人们的性命当儿戏!She's outside playing with her friends.她正在外面和朋友们一起玩耍。Her favorite activities include playing with stuffed animals and coloring.她最喜爱的活动包括玩动物造型的毛绒玩具和涂颜色。He sat musing and playing with the beer mat.他坐在那儿深思着,手里把玩着一个啤酒杯垫。Schulte warned government and industrial leaders that those who even venture to think about mass layoffs are playing with fire.舒尔特警告政府和业界领袖说,哪怕只是动动大规模裁员念头的人都是在玩火。Even as a little boy playing with blocks he was clever with his hands.小时候玩积木那会儿,他就很手巧了。The kitten was playing with a ball of yarn.小猫正在玩一团线。One of the children was playing with a yo-yo which glowed in the dark.其中的一个孩子在玩溜溜球,那溜溜球在黑暗中发着光。Children find endless pleasure in playing with water.孩子们从玩水中找到无穷的乐趣。He's playing with his friends.他在和朋友们一起玩。Anyone who gets involved with a married man is playing with fire.谁要和已婚男人有染的话就是在自寻烦恼了。He loves playing with his playmates.他很喜欢跟伙伴们一起玩耍。Stop playing with your food and eat.别再摆弄你的食物了,快吃。The cat scratched me while I was playing with her.我在逗猫玩的时候被抓伤了。Instead of playing with seven or eight ball players, we are now playing with twelve or thirteen.我们现在的对手不是七八个控球能手,而是十二三个。He's always grossing me out by playing with his food.他总是扒拉自己的食物,让我感到恶心。Polly was playing with her teddy bear.波莉在摆弄她的玩具熊。The little girl burnt herself playing with fire.小女孩玩火把自己烧伤了。Ian was upstairs playing with his new train set.伊恩在楼上玩他新买的套装火车玩具。I'm not playing with him, he's a total retard.我才不跟他玩呢,他整个一大笨蛋。Tardelli had a poor match, although in fairness he was playing with a knee injury.塔尔代利在场上表现很差,但说句公道话,他是带着膝伤参加比赛的。He observed two children playing with marbles on the street corner.他注意到两个孩子正在街角处玩弹珠。Dating the boss's daughter is playing with fire.和老板的女儿约会是在玩火。One of the documentary's many unsettling images is of a child playing with her father's gun.纪录片中最令人不安的镜头之一是一个小孩在摆弄父亲的枪。Stop playing with your hair!别再摆弄你的头发了!Cindy was playing with the doll when its leg fell off.辛迪在玩布娃娃时,布娃娃的腿掉了下来。As a child, she preferred playing football with the boys to playing with dolls.孩提时代她喜欢与男孩子一起踢足球,而不是玩娃娃。He was down on all fours playing with the puppy.他趴在地上跟小狗玩。Why do I waste my time playing with a shower like you?我何必浪费时间与你们这样的邋遢鬼玩呢?Stop playing with your food like a baby!不要像小孩一样玩食!People who use drugs are playing with fire.吸毒的人是在玩火。I have enjoyed playing with some of the top pros from Europe and America.我很高兴能和来自欧美的一些顶级职业运动员打比赛。He wheedled me into playing with him for a whole afternoon.他甜言蜜语地哄我和他玩了整整一个下午。They were playing with him, letting him dangle.他们在同他闹着玩,让他悬望着。She stared at the floor, idly playing with the strap of her handbag.她盯着地板,无所事事地摆弄着她手提包的带子。




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