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词汇 planting
例句 I've been digging in the dirt, planting seeds.我一直在挖泥埋种子。It is important to enrich the soil prior to planting.在种植前给土壤增肥很重要。She dug several tiny holes in the soil, planting a seed in each.她在土里挖了几个小洞,每个洞里都种上一颗种子。Farmers are busy preparing the soil for planting.农民们正忙着整地,准备栽种。There are practical as well as aesthetic reasons for planting trees.种树既实用又美观,可谓举两得。Prepare the ground for planting.整好地种庄稼。When planting seedlings I prefer to mark out the rows in advance.种树苗的时候,我喜欢事先划分出行来。Recently much of their energy has gone into planting a large vegetable garden.最近他们把很多精力投在种植大菜园上了。We must encourage the planting of new trees and preserve our existing woodlands.我们必须鼓励栽种新树木,同时也要保护现有的林地。Extensive flooding in the country has delayed planting and many crops are still under water.这个国家大面积的水灾已延误了播种,而很多农作物还浸在水下。Farmers were plowing their land and planting cotton seeds.农民们正在犁地并播种棉籽。You can make your flights carbon neutral by planting trees to make up for the greenhouse gas emissions.可以通过植树对航空飞行进行碳中和,以抵消温室气体的排放。The soil must be turned over before planting.播种前必须先翻土。I'm planting some bulbs for next year.我正在种一些鳞茎,为明年生长做准备。Make sure the soil is moist before planting the seeds.播种之前要确保土壤湿润。Sand and clay are added to produce the perfect planting medium.添加沙和黏土是为了制出理想的栽植培养基。The suspect was apprehended for planting a fake bomb in a bus terminal.嫌犯因在公共汽车终点站放置假炸弹而被捕。Work in a balanced fertiliser before planting.种植前加入养分均衡的肥料。This seemed like an opportune moment to ask the government to mount a tree-planting program.这似乎是要求政府推出植树计划的良机。The farmers can make more money by not planting crops - it's crazy, isn't it?农民不种庄稼才能赚更多的钱—这不是很荒唐吗?After planting these seeds, saturate the earth round them.撒下这些种子以后,给周围的土浇透水。The soldiers fanned out, shooting and planting explosives.士兵们呈扇形散开,开枪的开枪,埋炸药的埋炸药。Two men are accused of planting a bomb on the plane.两名男子被控在飞机上放置炸弹。There are disastrous results if the farmer mistimes the planting of his crops.农民如果把种植庄稼的时间安排得不恰当,后果就会不堪设想。This is perfect weather for planting.这种气候最适宜种植。After planting the seeds, soak the soil.播种之后,用水将土壤浇透。Her work will include planting trees and caring for animals.她的工作包括种树和照料动物。Recycle yoghurt pots for planting seeds.酸奶罐可以回收用来育苗。So far no one has admitted planting the bomb.到目前为止,还没有人承认是自己放了炸弹。One of the ploughed fields was lumped up for melon planting.在一块犁过的地上垛起一个个土堆准备种瓜。Farmers till the land before planting.农民在种植前先要耕地。No rebel group has claimed responsibility for planting the explosives in the van.没有一个叛乱组织声称为在小型货车内放置炸弹负责。The police officers were accused of planting evidence at the scene. 这些警察被指控在现场安放物证栽赃。Autumn-sown peas are not heavy croppers so it is worth planting two rows.秋播的豌豆不是高产作物,所以最好种两行。She rooted the seedlings in pots before planting them in the garden.她将幼苗放在花盆里生根,然后再把它们移植到花园里。The carbon emissions are largely offset by planting trees.植树可以在很大程度上抵消碳排放。The pioneers went west across North America, cutting down forests and planting new crops.拓荒者们穿过北美洲到西部去,砍伐树木,种植新的农作物。No one has yet claimed responsibility for planting the bomb.目前还没有人宣称为放置炸弹负责。Work in a balanced fertilizer before planting.种植前加入养分均衡的肥料。The planting season is in spring, with harvest in the fall.春天是播种的季节,秋天是收获的季节。




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