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词汇 plans
例句 As to our future plans, I think I need only say that the company intends to expand at a steady rate.至于我们未来的计划,我想我只需要说,公司打算稳步扩展。The family plans to sell some of the property off.这家人计划低价出售部分财产。She plans to return to work in four months.她打算四个月后重返职场。There's plans to make Birmingham city centre pedestrianized.有计划将伯明翰市中心改造为步行区。Their plans for opening a restaurant came to grief when they failed to get a loan.他们开餐馆的计划因无法得到贷款而被放弃。There was a mix-up in travel plans.旅行计划有些混乱。We still need to firm up our vacation plans.我们的假期计划还需最后敲定。He entered into our plans with zest.他热心地加入我们的计划。Some committee members still had doubts about the plans.委员会中的一些成员对这些计划仍然存有疑虑。Let me bring you up to speed on our plans. 我来给你说说我们这些计划的最新进展吧。His plans were defeated by the machinations of his enemies.他的计划被敌人的阴谋诡计破坏了。Carmen's reluctance to fall in with Driver's plans led to trouble.卡门不愿接受德赖弗的计划,由此引来了麻烦。Our plans were discomfited by budget cuts.我们的计划被预算的削减打乱了。They didn't want to change their vacation plans.他们不想改变度假计划。The government has announced plans to create 10,000 new jobs.政府宣布了创造一万个就业机会的方案。I think you should admit that the government's plans for higher education are now dead in the water.我想你应该承认,政府的高等教育计划现在已完全失败了。They're being very guarded about their plans. 他们不愿透露自己的计划。They were excitedly discussing plans for the weekend.他们兴奋地谈论著度周末的各种计划。His plans will not work in with ours.他的计划和我们的计划不一致。Earlier support plans have simply priced cotton out of the world market.早些时候的支持性计划只不过漫天提高了棉花的价格,以至于失去了世界市场。We fought tooth and nail to get these plans accepted.我们竭尽全力争取使这些计划得以接受。The opposition accused him of harbouring secret plans to take the country to war.反对党指责他心怀叵测,图谋要将国家拖入战争。The factory plans to invest in new computers.该工厂计划投资于新计算机。The committee plans on publishing their findings.委员会准备公布他们的调查结果。Our plans for our holidays are uncertain.我们度假的计划尚未确定。The company has abandoned plans for further expansion.公司放弃了进一步扩大规模的计划。She plans to return to Dublin to catch up with relatives.她计划回都柏林去了解亲属的近况。I like to make plans well in advance.我喜欢早早做计划。I have not the least interest in his plans.我对他的计划丝毫不感兴趣。Art experts have appealed for the suspension of plans to restore one of Leonardo da Vinci's most celebrated paintings.艺术专家们呼吁暂缓对一幅莱昂纳多·达芬奇的绝世名画的修复计划。She's refused to answer direct questions about her plans for the company.对有关她为公司制定计划的直接提问,她一律拒绝回答。I was not entirely comfortable about the plans they had made.我有点儿担心他们制订的计划。He plans to start the horse in only a few races this year.他计划今年让那匹马只参加几场比赛。He plans to begin the project later this week.他计划在本周晚些时候启动这个项目。The employees are backing the reorganization plans, with reservations.员工支持重组计划,但有保留意见。After the unexpected success of his first film, Rodriguez is making plans for a sequel.在第一部影片获得意想不到的成功之后,罗德里格斯打算拍一部续集。I'm damned if I know what plans he has in that direction.我压根不知道他在那方面有什么计划。He acquiesced in the plans his parents had made for him.他默许了父母的安排。The government has officially unveiled its plans for tax reform.政府已正式公开了税改计划。When the secret plans came unglued, the president was revealed to have ordered the burglary.秘密约定败露后,发现总裁是这起入室盗窃案的主谋。




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