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词汇 pick on
例句 He gets picked on by the other boys because he's so small.他因为个子小受到其他男孩子的欺负。It's unfair to pick on teachers for the problems in our schools when politicians are equally to blame.学校出了问题,只责怪老师是不公平的,政治家们也应受到批评。Bullies pick on younger children.坏孩子专挑年纪更小的孩子欺负。Why do they always pick on me to do the difficult tasks?他们为什么老是找我去干苦差事?Kids used to pick on me for wearing old worn-out clothes.以前,小孩子们看我穿着破旧衣服就会嘲笑我。When you have made up your mind, pick on a day when you will not be under much stress.你什么时候下决心了,就挑一个压力不大的日子。Mr Adams was repeatedly bullied and picked on by manageress Elizabeth Archer.女经理伊丽莎白·阿彻多次胁迫和刁难亚当斯先生。Bullies usually pick on younger children.恶棍们专和比自己小的孩子过不去。Why pick on me every time?为什么每次都怪我? Why don't you pick on someone your own size?你为什么不和个子跟你一样的人过不去?We were only freshmen, so the older kids liked to pick on us.我们才一年级,因此高年级的家伙喜欢欺负我们。Just pick on one job and try to get that finished.只管选一项工作并设法把它做完。He used to get picked on by the other kids at the bus stop.以前,他经常在公共汽车站台被其他孩子捉弄。Just leave me alone, will you? Why don't you go and pick on someone your own size?别惹我,行吗?你怎么不找一个个头儿和你差不多的呢?They always pick on him when anything goes wrong.一旦有什么事出了差错,他们总是找他的岔子。Older members of staff often pick on an apprentice and make his life a misery.老员工常常找新手的岔子,弄得他们苦不堪言。It makes my blood boil to think two thugs decided to pick on an innocent young girl.一想到两个恶棍要刁难一位年轻纯真姑娘我就怒火中烧。Why do you always pick on me?你为什么老和我过不去?They picked on him for the work.他们挑中他做这工作。I don't see why they have picked on the smaller one.我不明白他们为什么选中那小的? We picked on an unsuitable spot for a camping site.我们选了一个不合适的地方作为露营地。Why should you pick on me to do the chores?你为什么非要挑我去干那些杂事呢?Another time, a neighbour came out and told the boys to pick on sb their own size.还有一次,一个邻居走出来告诫男孩们不要欺负弱小。Hey, why don't you pick on someone your own size?嘿,你怎么不去捉弄个头和你差不多的人?I picked on simple things — rice and peas, meat and bread.我选了些简单的:豌豆米饭和夹肉面包。Workplace bullies pick on weak and vulnerable colleagues.职场中的恃强凌弱者总欺负那些软弱的同事。The bullies picked on him because he was yellow.因为他怯懦,所以混混找他麻烦。He looked through shelf after shelf and finally picked on Alex Haley's Roots .他换个书架查找,最后选了一本亚历克斯哈利写的《根》。Jane was repeatedly picked on by the manageress.简屡次被女经理欺负。




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