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Before they took power, they felt oppressed by the white English speakers who controlled things.他们在执政之前感到遭受了那些控制一切的说英语的白人的压迫。The socialist standpoint is that there should be no division between any oppressed group.社会主义者的观点是所有被压迫的团体应该联合起来。The overall thrust of her argument was that women are still oppressed in all areas of life.她论述的大致要点是妇女在生活的方方面面仍然受到压迫。He received acclaim as a champion of the oppressed.他因维护被压迫者的利益而备受称赞。Trade unionists had been ruthlessly oppressed during the dictatorship.工联主义者在独裁统治时期受到无情的镇压。The lack of democracy and equality impelled the oppressed to fight for independence.没有民主和平等,这促使受压迫者为独立而战。The country has long been oppressed by a ruthless dictator.这个国家长期以来一直处于残酷独裁者的压迫之下。It was not just the weather that oppressed her.让她感到压抑的并不仅是天气。The place oppressed Aubrey even before his eyes adjusted to the dark.奥布里的眼睛还没有适应黑暗之前,这地方便已经让他觉得很压抑了。The tyrant who oppressed the people was finally overthrown.压迫人民的暴君终于被推翻了。Gay people suffer just as much discrimination as any other oppressed minority.同性恋者和其他被压迫的少数群体一样受到歧视。The nobles had oppressed and exploited their serfs.贵族压迫剥削农奴。He was oppressed by a sense of failure.失败感一直压抑着他。Since colonial times, black people in South Africa have been oppressed by the white minority.自殖民时代以来,南非的黑人就受着少数白人的压迫。All women are not equally subordinated or oppressed or exploited by men.并不是所有女性都同样受到男性征服、压迫或剥削。I felt oppressed by the stuffy atmosphere in that household.那个家庭的沉闷气氛使我感到窒息。These people often are oppressed by their governments.这些人经常受到政府的压迫。This nation has been oppressed for too long, and it's time we fought back.这个国家受压迫已太久了,我们该起来反抗了。The magazine gave voice to hundreds of oppressed factory workers.这家杂志表达了数百名受压迫的工厂工人的呼声。She felt oppressed and discouraged in such an unfriendly environment.在这样一种冷漠的环境中,她感到既压抑又沮丧。The oppressed people finally decided to vociferate their anger.受压迫的民众终于决定要喊出他们的愤怒。It was not just the weather which oppressed her.让她心烦的不只是天气。He was single-mindedly devoted to the hastening of freedom for the oppressed.他一心一意致力于早日让被压迫者获得自由。He had been a dictator and a warlord who had oppressed and degraded the people of the South.他既是独裁者也是军阀,对南方人实行压迫和侮辱。Tibet is thrusting forward with a release of energy and initiative in those who were formerly terribly oppressed.西藏正在突飞猛进,那些从前受到残酷压迫的人们正发挥着力量和创造性。Strange dreams and nightmares oppressed him.怪梦和噩梦使他感到焦虑不安。The people of an oppressed country obey their conquerors because they want to go on living.受压迫国家的人们听命于征服者,因为他们想继续活下去。Somehow, the room oppressed him.这房间不知怎么使他感到压抑。He had dedicated his life to bettering the lot of the oppressed people of South Africa.他毕生致力于改变南非受压迫人民的命运。The gloom in the chapel oppressed her.小教堂内的阴暗气氛使她感到压抑。She was oppressed by many troubles.许多麻烦弄得她心情沉重。The Church should be a sanctuary for the oppressed.教会应该是受压迫者的庇护所。The heaviness in the evening air oppressed us both.傍晚沉闷的空气使我俩的心情沉重。For years now, the people have been oppressed by a ruthless dictator.多年来,人们一直处于残暴的独裁者的压迫之下。These people often are oppressed by the governments of the countries they find themselves in.这些人经常受到所在国政府的压迫。The family was oppressed by grief.这个家庭沉浸在悲痛中。A sense of trouble ahead oppressed my spirits.前面的重重困难使我心情沉重。 |