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词汇 Opposition
例句 Opposition politicians accused the Government of using the emergency to crush political dissent.反对党政客们指控政府趁着突发事件打压不同政见。The leader of the Opposition stood up to speak.反对党领袖起立发言。Opposition politicians have called for restraints on public spending.反对党的政治家们呼吁控制公共开支。Usually when Opposition MPs question Ministers they are just playing party politics.通常情况下,反对党议员质疑大臣们时,只是在进行党派斗争。Opposition is a rebuke to one's complacency.反对意见可鉴戒自满。The Opposition came into line with the government on the question.反对党在这一问题上与政府取得了一致。Opposition inspired him to a greater effort.别人的反对反而促使他干得更起劲。He crossed over and joined the Opposition.他转变立场,加入反对党。We want to engage the Opposition in a debate about economic policy.我们想与反对党就经济政策辩论一番。He demolished the Opposition's spurious arguments.他推翻了反对党那些站不住脚的论点。Opposition leaders had called for a boycott of the vote.反对党领袖们呼吁抵制投票。Opposition leaders are accusing the government of running down the Health Service.反对派领导人谴责政府在缩减保健服务。Opposition leaders said that the elections had been tainted by corruption.反对派领导人说,选举中存在舞弊现象。Opposition parties accuse the newspaper's editor of being a government lapdog.反对党指责该报的编辑是政府的走狗。Opposition groups fear violence, after weeks of military muscle-flexing from the government.政府进行了几周的军事实力展示以后,反对派担心会发生暴力事件。Opposition MPs mocked the government's decision.反对党议员讥笑政府的决定。This is just another shameless attempt by the Opposition to gain power at any cost.这只是反对派又一次不惜代价篡夺权力的无耻行为。The Opposition assailed the Prime Minister on the question of tax increase.反对党就增加赋税问题向首相提出质问。Opposition groups see the bannings as the latest stage of a government clampdown.反对团体将这些取缔行动视为政府压制的最新步骤。Opposition MPs derided the Government's response to the crisis.反对党议员嘲弄政府针对危机作出的反应。Opposition members felt the conference had been packed with government supporters.反对派的成员们觉得政府早就在大会中安插了许多支持者。Opposition parties are likely to bring a no-confidence motion against the government.反对党很可能提出对政府的不信任案。Opposition parties have boycotted the proceedings, saying the government has packed the conference with its own supporters.反对党派抵制了该议程,声称政府在大会上安插了亲信。Opposition leaders are denying any contact with the government in Kabul.反对派领袖否认与喀布尔政府有任何联系。Opposition leaders were flung into jail.反对派领导人被投入监狱。Opposition by business leaders is slowing down the pace of reform.企业领导人的反对在减缓改革的步伐。Opposition parties are threatening to bring down the government.反对党威胁要让政府倒台。Opposition to the tax has decreased since its introduction last year.自从去年推行此项税收以来,人们的反对已经减少了。Opposition may also come from hardliners within his own party.反对还可能来自他自己党派内的强硬派。Opposition leaders are demanding tougher laws against drinking and driving.反对党领袖要求对酒后驾车实施更严厉的法律。Opposition parties soon realized they would have to try a different line of attack.不久反对派就意识到,他们必须改用别的攻击方法。Opposition to the government has hardened as news of further scandals has leaked out.随着更多丑闻被披露,人们的反政府情绪变得更加强烈。Opposition demonstrators have erected barricades in roads leading to the parliament building.反对派示威者已经在通往国会大厦的道路上设置了路障。Opposition leaders had been jailed without trial.反对党领导人没经过审讯就被投入狱中。The implementation of the new policy was branded an "omnishambles" by the Opposition spokesperson on education.这项新政策的实施被反对党教育事务发言人形容为“全面的糟糕”。The leader of the Opposition criticized the prime minister for his comments.反对党领袖对首相的评论做出了批评。Opposition Diet members started asking questions.国会中反对派的议员们开始提问。The Opposition mounted another attack on the government.反对党又对政府发起进攻。The Opposition motion was defeated.反对党的动议被否决。Opposition party leaders are now pressing for the entire election to be annulled.反对党领导人正在竭力催促宣布整个选举无效。




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