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词汇 pedal
例句 Her foot was working the pedal of the sewing machine.她用脚蹬着缝纫机的踏板。On the issue of industrial pollution, the environmental activists pleaded with the government not to soft-pedal.自然环境保护活动分子请求政府不要对工业污染问题采取低调态度。As the gladiators rolled away from the starting gates, a gasp went up when the Scottish cyclist's left foot clicked out of the pedal.矫健的自行车手们纷纷骑车冲出起跑门,突然苏格兰选手的左脚咔嗒一声踩空了踏板,观众不禁倒抽了一口冷气。The pedal had sheared off at the pivot.踏板在枢轴处断裂了。She tried to pedal her bicycle up the track.她试图蹬着自行车沿小路往上骑。He switched off mains electricity and got Tim to pedal a generator instead.他切断主电源,让蒂姆用脚踏发电机发电。I'm not trying to soft-pedal the issue/problem.我不想淡化这个问题。We are going to have to put the pedal to the metal if we want to finish on time.要想按时完成工作,我们必须加快速度。He refused to pedal up the hill.他拒绝骑车上山。She tried to pedal her bike up the track.她试图蹬着自行车沿小路往上骑。Put the car in gear, and then slowly disengage the clutch while pressing on the gas pedal.挂挡,然后在踩油门的同时慢慢松开离合器踏板。You have to pedal hard to get anywhere.到哪儿去你都必须使劲儿踩踏板。He appeared to back-pedal on that statement.他看起来想要收回声明中说过的话。He hit the gas pedal and headed off.他一踩油门,开走了。She put her foot down on the accelerator pedal.她踩下了油门踏板。Take your foot off the gas pedal and slowly apply the brakes.脚松开油门,慢慢地踩刹车。She pressed the gas pedal and the car leapt forwards.她踩下油门,汽车向前冲了出去。Plantarflexion is the movement used to press the accelerator pedal in a car.跖屈是开车时脚踩油门时的动作。The harder the brake pedal is pressed, the greater the car's deceleration.踩踏刹车板的力度越大,汽车减速就越快。Drivers are being warned to ease off the gas pedal on this stretch of road.司机们被告诫,在这一路段要减速慢行。I pressed the brake pedal, but nothing happened.我踩了刹车,但是没有用。He struggled to pedal his bicycle up the hill.他吃力地骑着自行车上山。The brake pedal had just snapped off.刹车踏板刚刚啪的一声绷断了。Take your foot off the brake pedal.把你的脚从刹车踏板上移开。Slowly depress the accelerator/brake pedal.慢慢踩下油门/制动踏板。She pressed down hard on the gas pedal.她用力踩油门。The brake pedal had just snapped off.刹车踏板一下子就断了。He floored the pedal and drove off at high speed.他猛踩油门疾驶而去。He lifted his foot from/off the gas pedal.他将脚从油门上抬起。The harder the brake pedal is pressed, the greater the car's deceleration.刹车踩得越用力,车子减速越猛。A foot pedal is used to revolve the wheel.脚踏板用来使轮子转动。It is an adult pedal cart that is used by larger handicapped children.这是一架成人脚踏代步车,供个子较高的残疾儿童使用。I pressed the gas pedal, and slowly the wheels began to churn.我踩下油门踏板,车轮就开始慢慢转动了起来。Your foot falls off the pedal and you stall the car.你的脚离开踏板,汽车便会熄火。He pushed hard on the brake pedal to avoid a collision.他使劲踩下煞车踏板以避免撞车。I let up on the gas pedal.我松了松油门踏板。She emptied the ashtray into the pedal bin.她把烟灰缸里的东西倒入脚踏式垃圾桶里。He refused to soft-pedal an investigation into the scandal.他拒绝降低对这起丑闻的调查力度。She relaxed her foot on the gas pedal, and the car began to slow.她抬脚放松油门,汽车开始减速。His left foot applied pressure to the brake pedal, but there was no bite.他用左脚踩刹车的踏板,可是车没有刹住。




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