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词汇 Peace
例句 The magazine will devote an entire issue to this year's winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.杂志将用一整期报道今年的诺贝尔和平奖获得者。John Peace narrates his tale, taking us from his beginnings through university and professional training into his old age.约翰·皮斯向我们讲述了他的故事,从他早年的生活开始,后来上大学接受专业训练,一直说到他的晚年。Peace is a distant hope in this war-torn region.在这个饱受战争蹂躏的地区,和平是遥不可及的梦想。I'm not making much headway with `War and Peace'.《战争与和平》这本书我还没读多少。Peace talks were stalled after recent hostilities.最近几次战斗之后,和谈中断了。Peace finally came, but a great deal of blood was lost in the process.和平终于到来,但是在和平的进程中有许多人流血牺牲。Peace could come only gradually, in carefully measured steps. Even then, it sounds almost impossible to achieve.和平只会逐渐到来,而且每一步都走得小心翼翼。即使那样,要实现和平听起来仍几乎不可能。Peace talks between the two parties have crumbled. 两党间的和谈彻底失败了。Peace has now been restored to the area.这一地区又恢复了和平。Peace talks failed to take place because of a dispute over the venue.由于在谈判地点上存在分歧,和平谈判未能举行。Peace it seemed might at last be no more than a few months away.看起来,几个月内也许会最终实现和平。Peace was finally bought, but at the cost of many lives.和平最终得以实现,但是很多人为此付出了生命。Peace talks involving other rebel leaders and government representatives broke up without agreement last week, but are due to resume shortly.上个星期,其他叛军领导人和政府代表之间的和谈没能达成协议,宣告破裂,但是和谈不久会重开。The United Peace Alliance had only a tenuous connection with the organized Labour movement.联合和平协会和这个有组织的劳工运动只有微弱的联系。He walked away from a chance to play professional baseball to join the Peace Corps.他放弃了打职业棒球的机会,加入了美国和平队。This is the original text of "War and Peace".这是《战争与和平》的原版本。Peace talks have faltered.和谈中止了。Peace is now within our grasp.和平现在已经在望。Peace talks will resume tomorrow.和平谈判明天重新启动。Tolstoy's War and Peace is often placed among the greatest masterpieces of world literature.托尔斯泰的《战争与和平》常被归为最伟大的世界文学作品之列。Peace alone could not bring bread to the masses.和平自身并不能给大众带来必需的食品。Peace no longer seemed an impossible dream.和平似乎不再是一个不可实现的梦了。Peace in the region remained the goal, but a permanent solution still seemed out of reach.这一地区的和平仍是努力的目标,但永久性的解决办法似乎仍难以找到。Peace was restored during the regency.摄政时期恢复了和平。My experience in the Peace Corps really opened doors for me when I started looking for a job.开始找工作时,我在和平队的经历确实为我提供了机会。Peace descended once more on the little town.平静再一次降临小镇。Peace activists protested the war.和平主义者坚决反对这场战争。Peace between the two countries was only transitory.两国之间的和平仅仅是暂时的。Peace talks have been encumbered by a mutual lack of trust.和平谈判由于缺乏相互间的信任而受阻。Peace could come in this country if only all the intervenors would keep their noses out.只要所有的干涉者不插手,和平就可以在这个国家实现。Peace cannot be imposed from the outside by the United States or anyone else.美国或其他任何国家都不能将和平强加于他国。Former Nobel Peace Prize recipients include Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama.过去获得过诺贝尔和平奖的包括吉米·卡特和巴拉克·奥巴马。Let us hear the words of the prophet Isaiah on the coming of the Prince of Peace.让我们聆听先知以赛亚关于和平之王来临的预言。Peace and honour could not be estimated in dollars.和平和荣誉不能用钱来计算。The museum houses his epic work War and Peace.博物馆藏有他的长篇巨著《战争与和平》。Peace talks were held to try to heal the growing rift between the two sides.双方举行了和谈以弥合日益扩大的裂痕。She was chosen for the Peace Prize because of her courageous fight for democracy.她被选为和平奖得主是因为她敢于争取民主。Peace is one thing, but peace with dishonour is another.和平是一回事,而屈辱的和平则是另一回事。To round off National Peace Week, a concert was organized in the park.在公园里组织了一场音乐会来圆满结束全国和平周活动。Peace reigned at last.最后,和平占了主导。




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