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词汇 pass out
例句 He drank until he passed out.他喝得不省人事。The airplane passed out of sight.飞机飞出了视线。The car passed out of sight over the hill.汽车绕过山那边看不见了。She passed out and slumped to the floor.她昏了过去,重重地倒在地板上。Life came and went weakly in her for hours after the surgery, then she passed out.她手术后生命几经微弱挣扎,终于死去。The alimentary canal is the path by which food enters the body, and solid waste is passed out.消化道是食物进入身体,固体废物排出身体的通道。The hall was silent as the examination papers were passed out.发试卷的时候,大厅一片寂静。When I first smoked a cigarette, I almost passed out.我第一次抽烟时差点没昏过去。They were both dead drunk and passed out on the floor.他们两人都烂醉如泥,昏倒在地。The two passed out of sight and into the blackness of the night.那两人走出视野,消失在茫茫黑夜之中。Having registered, we passed out.登记之后,我们就出去了。A couple of drunks were passed out on the sidewalk.几个醉汉醉倒在人行道上。Fifty people passed out from heat at the outdoor rock concert.在那户外的摇滚音乐会中有五十人热得昏过去了。She passed out flyers at the grocery store.她在杂货店分发传单。I was hit on the head and passed out.我被击中了头部,一下就昏过去了。I felt like I was going to pass out from exhaustion.我觉得要累昏过去了。How many of the young men passed out this year?这些年轻人中今年有多少毕业了?Someone was passed out on the floor. 有人晕倒在地板上。The exhibitors at the trade fair passed out free samples to stimulate interest.参加交易会展览的厂商免费分发样品以引起人们的兴趣。She passed out at the sight of blood.她一看到血就昏过去了。They passed out free samples.他们发送了免费的样品。I thought I was going to pass out.我认为自己快晕倒了。Steve passed out on the floor and woke up blinded and in severe pain.史蒂夫昏倒在地板上,醒来后什么也看不见了,还感到剧烈的疼痛。She passed out when she heard the bad news.她听到这噩耗后晕了过去。They both passed out in front of the TV.他们俩都在电视机前睡着了。Together the two passed out of sight and into the blackness of the night.两人一起消失在一片漆黑的夜色中。He felt sick and dizzy and then passed out.他感到恶心、眩晕,然后就昏了过去。I think the poor guy passed out. It looks like he's had a lot to drink.我想那个可怜的家伙昏过去了,看样子他喝了不少。They spurted blood all over me. I nearly passed out.他们喷了我一身血。我几乎昏了过去。He arrived home blind drunk and passed out in the hallway.他回到家时酩酊大醉,昏倒在厅堂里。I'd passed out and he'd brought me round.我昏了过去,他使我恢复了知觉。She threw away the clerical pamphlet passed out to her by someone on the street.她扔掉了有人在街上递给她的有关支持教权主义的小册子。After three drinks, the man passed out.酒过三巡,他醉得不省人事。She passed out from the intense heat.由于高温她晕了过去。I nearly passed out when I saw all the blood.看到那么多血我差点昏过去。They passed out copies of the newsletter.他们发着一份份的公司简讯。The little girl passed out at the sight of the snake.小女孩一看到那条蛇就昏过去了。The teacher passed out the test booklets.老师分发了考试册。These words have passed out of current use.这些词已经不再通用了。She passed out drunk.她醉倒了。




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