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He is an interested party and can not serve on the jury.他是与案件有关的当事人,不能做陪审团的成员。The wine flowed freely at the party.聚会上大量供应免费葡萄酒。She has only a vague recollection of her seventh birthday party.她对自己七岁时的生日聚会只有很模糊的记忆。The room was a mess after the party.聚会结束后房间脏得一塌糊涂。His enthusiasm has obviously appealed to the party faithful.他的热诚对该党的忠实信徒显然有吸引力。A poll shows the party pulling ahead of its rivals.一项民意调查显示,该党领先于竞争对手。She is dressing for the party.她在穿礼服准备去参加晚会。The success in the election strengthened the party's position considerably.在选举中获得成功大大地巩固了该党的地位。He had appeared strained by his party's inner turmoil in the run-up to Saturday's vote.在周六举行选举前党内的乱象已经让他看上去精神紧张。Others left the party for ideological reasons.其他人由于意识形态原因而脱党。The decision was made against the wishes of the party leader.这个决定违背了该党领导人的意愿。When we arrived the party was already in full flow.我们到达时,晚会已进入高潮。The whole party was a disaster from start to finish.整个过程自始至终糟糕透了。He needs a party of jolly boys to play with.他需要与一群快活的男孩一起玩。News coverage should not favour one party over another.新闻报道不应厚此薄彼。It would be a shame to miss the party.错过这次派对会很可惜。The party is locked in an internal struggle.该党陷入了一场内讧。What kind of party do you have in mind?你打算举办什么样的聚会?The strategy is to put some distance between the English and Scottish branches of the party.该策略是使该党的英格兰支部和苏格兰支部断开联系。The party continued well past midnight.聚会一直延续到后半夜。The party made modest gains in the elections, but nothing like the huge gains that were predicted.这一党派在选举中取得一定成绩,但和预期的巨大收获相差甚远。The party quickly rose in popularity, sweeping municipal elections the following year.该党的支持率迅速上升,轻松赢得了第二年的地方政府选举。The party are hoping her wholesome image will appeal to voters.该党希望她的健康形象能够吸引选民。The party was a roaring success.聚会开得非常成功。Even her own party considered her shrewish and nagging, and cold-shouldered her in the corridors.就连她自己团队里的人都认为她泼妇似的,又爱唠叨,在走廊里看见她也不爱搭理她。He threw a party worthy of a millionaire.他举办了一场典型的百万富翁式的聚会。Hey, are you guys coming to Angela's party?嘿,你们是要去参加安杰拉的聚会吗?I overestimated and there was a lot of food left over after the party.我估计过头,结果聚会后剩了好多吃的。She criticized his juvenile behavior at the party.她批评了他在聚会上的幼稚行为。The article reflected the views of extreme right-wing elements in the party.这篇文章反映了党内一伙极端右翼分子的观点。The document has rankled many party members.这份文件激起了许多党员的怨恨。My shy little sister clung to me like a leech all through the party.我那腼腆的小妹在聚会上寸步不离地跟著我。The royal party was on a shoot when the incident occurred.事件发生时,王室成员正在打猎。Every year on her birthday, Jackie throws a big party at the Vineyard House.杰基每年生日都会在葡萄庄园举行大型聚会。I'll see if Louisa will bring her guitar to the party.我要看看路易莎是否会把她的吉他带到聚会上来。The president aims to create a de jure one-party state.总统力图建立一个合法的一党制国家。How did she have the brass to go to the party uninvited?她怎么有脸不经邀请自己跑去参加宴会的?He is an undeclared candidate for the party president.他是该党主席的候选人,但尚未公开宣布。In presenting a more professional image the party risks losing its individuality.为了给人一种更为职业的形象,该党可能会丧失自身特色。Janet and Pete first met at a mutual friend's cocktail party.珍妮特与皮特的首次相遇是在双方都认识的一个朋友举办的鸡尾酒会上。 |