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The soldiers of the artillery train had panicked.炮兵辎重队的士兵已惊慌失措。When the parachute didn't open I just panicked.降落伞没打开,我吓得不知所措。Residents panicked as flaming petrol poured down the street.燃烧的汽油洒向街面,居民惊慌失措。He panicked, hitting the accelerator instead of the brake.他惊慌失措,踩下了油门而不是刹车。The deer, panicked by the headlights, ran in front of the car.被车头灯惊吓到的鹿在车前奔跑。The crowd panicked at the sound of the guns.听到枪声,人群惊慌失措。The soldiers panicked and opened fire on the raiders.士兵们吓得惊惶失措,朝袭击者开枪射击。Unfortunately for him, he panicked.很不幸的是,他当时惊慌失措了。I panicked when he said the test was tomorrow, but then I realized he was just pulling my leg.听他说考试是在明天时我惊慌失措,但接着我便意识到他只是在耍我。Guests panicked and screamed when the bomb exploded.炸弹爆炸后,客人们惊慌失措,尖声惊叫。Everyone panicked, and people started screaming.大家都惊慌了,人们开始尖叫起来。I panicked when he said the test was tomorrow, but then I realized he was just kidding me.他说明天要考试,吓了我一跳,但我马上意识到他是在开玩笑。I started spitting blood and my mother panicked.我开始吐血,我母亲吓坏了。The unexpected and sudden memory briefly panicked her.突然间莫名涌起的回忆让她心头一紧。The government panicked into imposing a kind of cultural homogeneity.政府在恐慌下开始强制实施某种文化统一政策。The security men panicked as angry fans charged towards them.愤怒的球迷冲向他们时,保安人员陷入惊慌之中。She refused to be panicked into a hasty marriage.她不愿因恐慌而仓促结婚。The boy panicked and began hyperventilating.那个男孩感到恐慌,开始猛力呼吸。The protests became more violent and many people were panicked into leaving the country.抗议变得更加激烈,吓得许多人离开了那个国家。I hadn't rehearsed it properly and I panicked.我之前没有好好排练,于是惊慌失措。The sound of gunfire panicked the crowd.枪声使人群惊慌失措。A panicked look crossed his face.一丝恐慌的神色掠过他的脸庞。The government insisted that it would not be panicked into interest rate cuts.政府坚称不会陷入恐慌而匆忙降息。The civilians panicked when they realized they were under fire.平民们意识到他们遭到枪击时惊慌失措。People panicked and started hoarding food.人们惶恐不安,开始贮藏食物。Sara panicked in the exam and didn't do herself justice.萨拉在考试中由于紧张未能充分发挥自己的水平。 |