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词汇 troubled
例句 His fears were part of his excess baggage from his troubled childhood.他的多忧多虑是从自己多难童年带来的沉重包袱的一部分。The girl was a mirage, cast up by his troubled mind.那个女孩是一个幻觉,是他饱经困扰的头脑想象出来的。You look troubled. What's worrying you?你看上去愁眉苦脸。有什么事使你不安? Your father was a very troubled man, but he's at rest now.你父亲一生坎坷,但是他现在可以安息了。He was troubled by nameless fears.难以名状的恐惧困扰著他。I'm sorry you've been troubled – it won't happen again.对不起,给你添麻烦了,这种事绝不会再发生。Helping a troubled teenager is more difficult when drugs are part of the equation. 当毒品涉及其中时,对问题青少年的帮助就更困难了。Her children were just at that age when they seemed to quarrel all day long, so she had to learn very quickly how to pour oil on troubled waters.她的孩子们正处于似乎整天争吵不休的年龄,因此她得尽快学会如何平息风波。I regret my few achievements in a troubled life.我因坎坷一生碌碌无为而遗憾。We help troubled teenagers gain some insight into their own problems.我们帮助烦恼的青少年认识到他们自己的问题。He has been troubled with a knee injury.他膝盖有伤未愈。Her dreams were troubled, reflecting the tenor of her waking hours.她在梦中焦虑不安,反映了她白天生活的基调。He is doubly troubled, first because he is ill and secondly he is poor.他有双重的苦恼,首先是疾病,其次是贫困。She had a troubled/privileged youth.她有过烦恼/优越的青年时代。Having a baby can be kill or cure for a troubled marriage.对陷入感情困境的婚姻来说,要小孩可谓是孤注一掷。Both sides were troubled throughout by a capricious wind.双方一直在为风向飘忽不定而苦恼。His diaries speak of a troubled mind. 他的日记说明他内心不平静。In a speech to the Conservatives he tried to pour oil on troubled waters.在对保守党人所作的一次讲演中,他试图调停争端。He has been troubled by a knee injury for most of the season.本赛季的大部分时间里,他都受到膝伤的困扰。We don't want to enter the troubled waters of race and religion.我们不想卷入种族和宗教的纷争。She still felt vaguely troubled by it all.她仍然对这一切隐约有些忧心。His many truancies troubled his parents.他多次逃学,这使他的父母深感烦恼。These have been troubled times.这世道一直是扰攘不安的乱世。I wish you'd at least troubled to call.我希望你至少费心打个电话过来。The play is about a troubled youth.这部戏是讲述的是一个烦恼青年的故事。Underneath her calm exterior, she was a deeply troubled woman.她表面上很平静,其实心里极其烦恼。Despite his heroics on the football field, he has had a troubled life.尽管在绿茵场上所向披靡,他在生活上却历尽艰辛。There is much we can do to help this troubled country.我们可以做很多事情来帮助这个动荡不安的国家。They are trying to deflect attention from the troubled economy.他们正努力把人们的注意力从糟糕的经济上转移开。My husband's always arguing with my father, and I'm the one who has to pour oil on troubled waters.我丈夫老和我父亲争吵,我不得不做他们的调停人。But these are troubled times and many people fear for the future.但现在处于乱世,很多人对未来忧心忡忡。He is still being troubled by an ankle injury.他脚踝上的伤仍然很痛。A surface calm settled over the troubled city.一种表面上的平静笼罩着这座混乱的城市。He was deeply troubled by the news.这个消息使他非常不安。She's troubled by her son's inclination toward atheism.她因为儿子的无神论倾向而感到困扰。Anyone who has been in a troubled relationship will sympathise with Sue.任何情路坎坷的人都会同情休。Unfortunately, the media insisted upon highlighting his troubled past.不幸的是,媒体总是坚持突出他坎坷的过去。His movie is a darkly comic portrayal of a troubled family.他的电影以黑色喜剧手法对一个问题家庭进行了描绘。The book details his troubled life.这本书详细描述了他那坎坷的一生。This latest news troubled him deeply.这个最新消息使他深为烦恼。




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