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词汇 trouble
例句 I don't know what we're going to do with you, Tony. You're always in trouble.我不知道我们该怎么说你,托尼。你总是有麻烦。I had trouble parking.我很难找到停车的地方。Stacey will be allowed to go free on condition that he stays out of trouble for a year.只要斯泰西一年之内不惹事生非就会获得释放。Could I trouble you to open the window?麻烦你把窗子打开好吗? I resolved to keep quiet about what I had heard, since it would only cause trouble.既然把听到的说出去只会惹上麻烦,我就决心保持沉默。The bartender called the police at the first sign of trouble. 一出现麻烦,酒吧招待就报警了。The dollar has fallen to a new low amid worries that the American economy is heading for trouble.由于人们普遍担心美国经济将陷入困境,美元汇率再创新低。He had trouble keeping up his end of a technical discussion.他在参与技术讨论时总表现得不尽如人意。They knew they were courting danger/trouble by accepting donations from a convicted felon.他们知道,接受一个被判了刑的重罪犯的捐赠是自找危险/麻烦。You'll be in trouble if they catch you cheating.如果他们发现你在作弊,你就有麻烦了。He had some trouble articulating his thoughts.他在表达自己思想方面有点儿障碍。He had been having trouble getting a hotel room.他一直找不到旅馆住。Norris had trouble finding work and is still unemployed.诺里斯找工作遇到麻烦,现在仍失业。He has been through much trouble.他历经许多苦恼。Left-handers have trouble using can-openers, scissors, and potato peelers.左撇子在使用开罐刀、剪刀和土豆削皮器时会有困难。When the police arrived to tear him off a strip he apologised for all the trouble he'd caused them.当警察赶到把他狠狠地教训了一番后,他为自己给他们带来的所有麻烦表示道歉。She mentioned some trouble that she'd had at home and I guessed she was alluding to her son.她提到家中有些麻烦事儿,我猜她是指她的儿子。It was compliments all around as security operators celebrated a virtually trouble-free day.保安人员在庆祝一天平安无事的时候,周围一片赞美之词。Good friends are the best resort in trouble.好朋友是患难之际最可信的依靠。He is schooled to spot trouble.他受过训练,能够迅速发现问题。He has had back trouble since changing jobs.自从换了工作,他的后背一直不舒服。Do you think it's worth the trouble of booking seats in advance?你认为有必要费那劲儿提前订座吗?He did not take the trouble to see the film before he attacked it.他在批评那部电影之前都懒得费神欣赏。Just don't start any trouble.不要惹任何麻烦。We need to exercise some spin control on this situation before we find ourselves in serious trouble.我们对这个局面需要一些引导舆论的工作,否则就会遇到大麻烦。Tony was always in trouble with the police when he was young, but now he's a respectable married man.托尼年轻时老和警察惹上麻烦,可他现在是个正经的已婚男子。We need to meet with Elaine this afternoon but I'm having trouble fixing a time.我们得在今天下午跟伊莱恩见个面,可是在安排时间方面我有点麻烦。I had a little trouble finding the place.我费了点功夫才找到这个地方。That boy is a trouble to his parents.那男孩是他父母苦恼的缘由。I knew there'd be trouble.我知道会有麻烦。The trouble with his pessimism is that it depressed everyone else as well.他的悲观情绪所造成的问题是别人也跟着感到沮丧。I am having trouble deciding on a gift for them.我拿不定主意送他们一件什么礼物。She has trouble navigating the stairs with her crutches.她架着双拐,上下楼不方便。If news of the break-in reaches the boss's ears, we're in trouble.如果非法入室的事情传到老板的耳朵里,我们就麻烦了。The trouble began when gangs began breaking windows and looting shops.一些团伙开始破窗抢劫商店时发生了骚乱。The trouble with many small houses is that they tend to be boxy.许多小房子的问题是它们往往是四四方方的。He was anxious to keep his son from getting into trouble.他急于使儿子避免惹上麻烦。She had trouble keeping her teenage sons in order.她管不住自己那几个十几岁大的儿子。John's going to have a lot of trouble with him. You can see it coming.约翰麻烦大了,这看得出来。I hope you're not trying to stir up trouble.我希望你不是要来惹麻烦。




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