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词汇 troublemakers
例句 The violence was started by a small group of troublemakers.这起暴力事件是由一小撮闹事者引起的。Women who point out cases of harassment risk being labelled troublemakers.指出性骚扰案件的女性有可能被扣上惹是生非的帽子。She fell in with a group of troublemakers.她结交了一帮捣蛋鬼。Such policies weaken the resolve of potential troublemakers.这样的政策动摇了潜在闹事者的决心。The regional governor has been given powers to outlaw strikes and expel suspected troublemakers.地方长官被赋予禁止罢工、驱逐嫌疑闹事者的权力。If we don't clamp down on these troublemakers now, the situation could get out of control.如果我们现在不对这些肇事者采取严厉措施,事态可能会失控。The new measures are intended to stop troublemakers from travelling abroad to football matches.这些新的措施旨在阻止喜欢闹事的人出国观看足球比赛。At school they always tried to separate Jane and me because we were troublemakers.在学校里,他们总是设法把简和我分开,因为我们是捣蛋鬼。Some of the children were already tagged as troublemakers.一些孩子已经被称作捣蛋鬼了。Most of the troublemakers were not supporters of either team.大多数的捣乱者并不是双方球队的支持者。Tony Blair last night tightened his grip on Labour mps with new powers to root out troublemakers.昨晚,托尼·布莱尔利用新赋予的权力铲除了制造事端者,加强了对工党议员的控制。It was the older women and young mothers who sorted all the troublemakers out.是那些年纪较长的女士和年轻的母亲们教训了所有那些捣蛋鬼。The governor has been given powers to outlaw strikes and expel suspected troublemakers.地方长官已得到授权,可禁止罢工并驱逐有闹事嫌疑的人。It would be easy to label the boys as troublemakers.把这些男孩定性为捣蛋鬼倒是很容易。




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