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词汇 Opponents
例句 Opponents of the project went on the attack and defeated the land sale.这个项目的反对者们发起攻击,使土地出售计划落空。Opponents have succeeded in sowing the seeds of suspicion/doubt. 反对者已经成功地让民众产生了怀疑。Opponents of the regime had been subject to arbitrary detention.政府中的反对派人士被随意拘留。Opponents of the new law appear to be in the minority. 反对这条新法律的人占少数。Opponents claimed the law was simply a tool to stifle dissident voices.反对者声称,这项法律只不过是一个压制异己的工具。Opponents fret that the system might not provide enough help in times of rural economic crisis.反对者担心,在农村经济危机时期,该制度提供的帮助可能不够。Opponents have questioned the legitimacy of the ruling.反对派对政府统治的合法性提出了质疑。Opponents of the war say that civilian villages have been struck several times.反战人士说平民村庄屡遭袭击。Opponents of the development project took the offensive and defeated the land sale.反对开发项目者展开攻势,挫败了出售土地的计划。Opponents of the regime are quickly silenced.该政权的反对者很快就被封嘴了。Opponents of the treaty argue that monetary union will turn France into a vassal of Germany.协定的反对者认为货币联盟会使法国沦为德国的附庸国。Opponents say he has a record of cosying up to polluters and accepting their campaign donations.他的对手说他一贯与造成污染的企业关系密切并且收受他们的竞选献金。Opponents of the plan say it is a bad way of managing city traffic.反对这个计划的人说这种管理城市交通的方法是不行的。Opponents of the regime are either killed or sent into exile.该政权的反对者不是被杀就是被流放。Opponents of genetic engineering see it as a misuse of scientific knowledge.反对者认为遗传工程学是滥用科学知识。Opponents say their polling indicates a significant change in attitude.反对派称他们的民调显示人们的态度发生了显著变化。Opponents see globalization as a form of economic imperialism.反对者将全球化视为一种经济扩张主义。Opponents accused him of blackmail and extortion.对手指控他敲诈勒索。Opponents attacked the government's plan to increase road tax.反对者强烈批评政府增加道路税的计划。Opponents of school vouchers gathered outside the meeting room to protest.反对教育券的人士聚集在会议室外面抗议。Opponents of the measure say it's political grandstanding that could prove devastating to the economy.反对该举措的人说,会对经济造成毁灭性影响的正是政治作秀。Opponents paint a picture of the president as corrupt and irresponsible. = Opponents paint the president as corrupt and irresponsible.对手们把总统描述成一个腐败且不负责任的人。Opponents claim that the humanitarian goals of the project are just a fig leaf, and that its real purpose is to make money.反对者声称,这个项目的人道主义目标只是一块遮羞布而已,其真实目的就是赚钱。Opponents claim the policy has racist undertones.反对者们声称那项政策暗含种族歧视之意。Opponents of the war are considered every bit as patriotic as supporters.在人们心目中,这场战争的反对者和支持者都是一样爱国的。Opponents of the bill tried to filibuster its final stages.反对者发表长篇大论,阻挠议案通过的最后阶段。Opponents say the government's policy is a disaster waiting to happen. 反对派人士说,政府的政策将招致灾祸。Opponents denounced the decree as undemocratic and unconstitutional.反对派抨击该法令是不民主的、违反宪法的。Opponents said the law would threaten civil liberties.反对者说这项法律将对公民自由构成威胁。Opponents argued the sales-tax hike was unfair.反对者认为提高销售税是不公平的。Opponents accused the candidate of taking a cookie-cutter approach to the problem. 竞争对手们指责这位候选人对这个问题的解决方法毫无创意。Opponents charge that the amendment would eviscerate the new law.反对者指责那项修正案将严重削弱新法。Opponents described the reforms as a purely cosmetic exercise.反对者把改革描述为纯粹装点门面的举动。Opponents of the project have been squawking.这个项目的反对者们一直在大声抗议。




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