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例句 Jon was lured on by Aysgarth's bolshiness to take the centre of the stage once more.艾斯加斯的反叛精神鼓动乔恩再次站到舞台中央。After tapping the center of each crosshair, you must tap once more to accept the alignment settings when instructed.在点击每个交叉线的中心后,您必须在提示时再点击一次以接受校准设置。You have every reason to try it once more.你有充分的理由再试一次。May I thank you all once more for making this occasion such a big success.我再次感谢你们大家把这次活动办得如此成功。She wanted to see him once more before she died.她想在临死之前再见上他一面。The nation was once more as strong as the other major powers in Europe.该国再一次和欧洲其他大国一样强盛了。We look forward to the day when there will be peace once more in this troubled land.我们期盼着和平重新回到这片动乱的土地上的那一天。Their ship was once more churning forward.他们的船再次开动螺旋桨前进。Before the exam he read through his notes once more to refresh his memory.考试前他再看了一遍笔记来提醒一下自己。But now, like a black bird of ill omen, here was the man once more.可是现在,那个人像只晦气的黑鸟一样又来了。Do that once more and I'll come down on you like a ton of bricks!你再干那种事,我会狠狠教训你的!The crops had failed, and once more, famine threatened the region.作物歉收,饥荒再一次威胁着这个地区。He pressed the accelerator again and the car jetted on once more.他又踩了下油门,汽车再次飞驰起来。In moments, I was asleep once more.不一会儿工夫,我又睡着了。His sudden change of heart left Brenda unsure once more.他突然改变态度,再次让布伦达心里没了底。The British Government is once more out of step with world opinion.英国政府的观点再一次和世界舆论出现分歧。Pain wracked her frail body once more.疼痛再次击垮了她虚弱的身体。Peace descended once more on the little town.平静再一次降临小镇。The mare neighed once more, turned and disappeared amongst the trees.母马又嘶鸣了一声,扭头消失在树林里。Famine hit that benighted country once more.饥荒再次席卷了那个不幸的国家。As she continued talking, I picked up the remote control again and discreetly zapped once more.趁她继续说着话,我又拿起遥控器,悄悄换起了台。The sails caught the wind once more and they were on their way.船帆再次迎风鼓起,他们起航了。The autumn came round once more.秋季又一次来临了。He touched her cheek once more and laid a kiss on her forehead.他再次摸了一下她的脸颊并轻吻了一下她的额头。She wanted to see her grandfather once more before he died.她想在祖父去世之前再看他一眼。Her eyes once more sought the window.她把目光再次投向窗户。Radical reformers are once more in the ascendant.激进的改革者再次占据上风。The rebellion seemed once more at its last gasp.叛乱看来将又一次面临失败了。The country is plunging into recession once more.国家又一次陷入衰退。Acting on my recommendation, he has decided to read the novel once more.按照我的劝告,他决定把这本小说再读一遍。He was once more jarred awake by the ringing telephone.他又一次被电话铃声惊醒。I looked at myself in the mirror once more.我又看了一眼镜子里的自己。She has mused that question once more.她已经又一次仔细思考了那个问题。We set off once more, over a rough mountain track.我们沿着一条崎岖的山间小路再度出发。The sky turned light once more.天空又一次亮了。He gazed once more around the room, wherein were assembled his entire family.他再一次环视房间,他全家人都在那里。An Arab summit conference could be convened, and Arab unity, of a sort, would rule once more.阿拉伯国家首脑会议有可能召开,阿拉伯国家的团结,尽管是很勉强的团结,有可能再次占上风。The playing season has been elongated once more.赛季再次延长了。He plunged his arm into the sack once more.他又一次迅速把胳膊伸进袋子里。Tom began to feel fatigue and weakness once more.汤姆再次开始感到疲惫无力。




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