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词汇 for the rest
例句 If she let this chance slip, she would regret it for the rest of her life.如果她让这次机会溜走,她会后悔一辈子的。His damaged left foot will keep him off the field for the rest of the season.他左腿上的伤使他在本赛季余下的时间里都不能上场。We drew up a schedule of payments for the rest of the monies owed.我们起草了一份剩余欠款的还款计划。He didn't mention the subject again for the rest of the evening.那天晚上他没有再提起那个话题。His comments pretty much killed the mood for the rest of the show.他的解说基本上毁掉了演出剩余部分的气氛。John and Sandy argued all the time, which completely ruined the evening for the rest of us.约翰和桑迪吵个不停,把我们大家一晚上的兴致都完全破坏了。He was to remain active in the association, latterly as vice president, for the rest of his life.他余生仍将积极参加协会的活动,最近还担任了副会长。He'll carry the memory of the experience with him for the rest of his life.他能把这一经历记一辈子。She lived in torment for the rest of her life.她的余生备受折磨。Lucy was so shocked by these affronts that she remained speechless for the rest of the evening.露西对这些侮辱感到十分震惊,整个晚上余下的时间什么话也没说。A passenger was injured so badly he will be paraplegic for the rest of his life.一位乘客受了重伤,后半生都将下身瘫痪。Growing up in the countryside, she developed a passion for horses that stayed with her for the rest of her life.她在乡村长大,所以培养出了对马的爱好,并且终生都保持着这份热爱。I told him that I thought he was crazy and got the silent treatment for the rest of the day. 我告诉他我觉得他疯了,接下来的一天他都没理我。Now the leadership wants to look forward, and to outline a strategy for the rest of the century.现在领导层想要展望未来,为本世纪余下的时间勾画出战略纲要。Sutcliffe was sent to jail for the rest of his life.萨克利夫被关进监狱囚禁终生。She would be in pain for the rest of her life, if you could call it a life.她的余生都将在痛苦中度过,如果你还把那称作生活的话。Temperatures remained high for the rest of the week.那一周余下的几天里气温仍然很高。He fastened himself upon me for the rest of evening.那晚余下的时间他缠住我不放。Make sure you leave enough hot water for the rest of us.保证给我们留下足够的热水。I wanted you to be as miserable as sin for the rest of your life.我咒你一辈子都不会有好日子过。His secretary says he will be incommunicado for the rest of the day.他的秘书说他当天余下的时间都没空。Rapists deserve to be locked up for the rest of their lives.强奸犯活该坐一辈子牢。We rowed ashore, then explored the island on foot for the rest of the day.我们划船到了岸边,之后余下的时间步行在岛上探险。He may make life unpleasant for the rest of us.他可能会让我们剩下的这些人日子不好过。I knew that if I didn't make a clean break with Victor I should be filled with regrets for the rest of my life.我知道如果我不和维克托一刀两断,那我会后悔一辈子的。He had a stroke and was unable to walk for the rest of his life.他中风了,余生不能再行走了。He has my son's blood on his hands. I hope it haunts him for the rest of his days.他手上沾了我儿子的血。我咒他余生不得安宁。The salary in my new job is great, but (as) for the rest, I'm not impressed.我的新工作薪水挺高,但是其他方面嘛,我觉得就没有什么特别的了。The service desk at the entrance, with its friendly, helpful and efficient staff, sets the tone for the rest of the store.入口处服务台的员工友好、热心、效率高,让这家店显得越发高档。After he won the competition, his whole family lived in clover for the rest of their lives.他赢得比赛后,他全家从此过著优裕的日子。I'm going sightseeing for the rest of the day.当天剩下的时间我要出去游览。Now he can live in comfort for the rest of his life.现在他可以在安逸中度过余生了。My daughters could dine on caviar and champagne for the rest of their lives.我的女儿们后半辈子可以天天吃鱼子酱、喝香槟了。He said when she arrived that he wished she had never come, and then added insult to injury by refusing to speak to her for the rest of her visit.她来时他说但愿她没来;然后伤害之外又加污辱,在她逗留期间他一直拒绝与她说话。That weekend put me off camping for the rest of my life!那个周末使我这辈子再也不愿去露营了!Successful schools must be used as models for the rest.其他学校须效仿成功的学校。The Prime Minister's fierce speech set the tone for the rest of the conference.首相激烈的言辞为接下来的会议定下了基调。The course that people choose to do at university can have ramifications for the rest of their lives.人们在大学里所选的课程对其以后一生的影响可以很大。The manager apologized and told us our drinks would be on the house for the rest of the evening.经理道歉之后告诉我们说,当晚余下时间我们喝的酒由他们请客。He returned to Chicago, and made it his base for the rest of his life.他回到了芝加哥,在那里度过了余生。




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