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词汇 Officers
例句 Officers and men marched and climbed carrying heavy loads on their backs.军官和士兵们负重行军和攀爬。Officers in full riot gear were standing by outside the police station.穿上全套防暴装备的警察在警察局外待命。Officers had found a large bread knife on the rubbish tip.警察在垃圾场发现了一把很长的面包刀。Officers dressed in riot gear are surrounding the perimeter fence.身穿防暴服的警察正在包围外围的栅栏。Officers investigating her death are keeping their options open.调查她死因的官员暂时未下定论。Officers combed the woods for the murder weapon.警察在树林里仔细搜寻凶器。Officers from the inquiry team had failed to interview him.调查小组的警官未能对他进行审问。Officers with a search warrant entered the flat.持有搜查证的警察进入了公寓。Officers say the suspect swore at them and threw a punch.官员说那名嫌疑犯向他们咒骂并一拳打来。Officers had found a large bread knife on the rubbish tip…警察在垃圾场发现了一把很大的面包刀。Officers were going down like ninepins.官员们轻而易举就被搞定了。Officers from Special Branch are investigating the case.政治保安处的警官正在调查这起案件。Officers were plotting the aircraft's exact position.官员们正在图上标出飞机的准确位置。Careers Officers maintain contact with young people when they have left school.年轻人离开学校以后,职业指导员继续和他们保持联系。Officers made a perfunctory search of the room.军官们随便地搜查了一下屋子。Officers below the rank of captain receive no special privileges.陆军上尉以下的军官没有特权。Officers were going to retake sectors of the city.军官们打算重新夺回该市的防御区。Officers were terrified of his superhuman strength.军官们被他超凡的力气吓坏了。Officers said they tried to talk Wilson into leaving the bar, but he started to struggle.警察称他们试图说服威尔逊离开酒吧,但他开始挣扎起来。The District Officers were uncompromising in their opposition to the proposals of the wildlife conservationists.该地区的官员坚决反对野生生物保护人士提出的建议。Officers will be inhibited from doing their duty if these laws are passed.如果这些法律得以通过,官员们将无法履行职责。Officers brought him to the station for questioning.警察把他带到警局讯问。Officers took three suspects into custody Friday morning.星期五早晨,警方拘留了三名嫌疑犯。Officers had tailed the gang from London during a major undercover inquiry.在一次重大的秘密调查行动中,警察从伦敦就盯上了那帮匪徒。Officers and wives entered in strict order of precedence.众官员及其夫人按照严格的礼宾次序入场。Officers will also continue their search of nearby open ground.警察还将继续在附近的开阔地带搜寻。Officers fanned out across the field to look for clues.军官们在田野上成扇形散开寻找线索。Officers must fill out a questionnaire each time a motorist is stopped, regardless of whether a citation is issued.警察每拦下一名驾驶员,不管是否予以传讯,都必须填写一份调查表。Officers fabricated evidence against them.警官们捏造了对他们不利的证据。Officers are expected to discipline soldiers who do not keep their uniforms in good condition.军官们应该处罚那些不保持制服整洁的士兵。Officers continued a fingertip search of the area yesterday.昨天,警方继续对这个区域进行了密集搜索。Officers raided an address in the Pittsburgh area.警方突然搜查匹兹堡某处。Officers succeeded in rounding up most of the gang members.警察围捕了大多数团伙成员。Officers expressed regret about the boy's death.警方对男孩的死表示遗憾。Officers mistook Stephen for an escaped prisoner.警官误以为斯蒂芬是一名逃犯。Officers will be inhibited from doing their duty.官员们将无法履行职责。Officers had spent much time studying the matter.长官们花了很多时间考虑此事。Officers armed with a search warrant entered the flat.警察们持搜查证进入了那所公寓。Officers were drawn largely from the top echelons of society.官员大都来自社会上层。Officers planned to retake sectors of the city.军官们计划夺回该城市的各个地段。




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