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词汇 Air
例句 Has the Air India flight come in yet?印度航空公司的航班到了没有?Air pollution contributes to respiratory diseases.空气污染会引起呼吸道疾病。Air France first-class seats recline almost like beds.法国航空公司头等舱的坐椅可以调低成几乎像床一样。A teenager used his personal computer to break into sensitive US Air Force files.一名少年利用他的个人电脑侵入了美国空军的机密文件。Air is the medium by which sound is transmitted.空气是声音传播的介质。She was waiting just outside the Air Force guard shack.她正在空军卫兵岗亭外等候。Air will compress but the brake fluid won't.空气会压缩,但是刹车油不会。Air-force jets bombed the airport.空军喷气机轰炸了这个机场。Air bombardment raised criticism on the humanitarian grounds that innocent civilians might suffer.空袭遭到了批评,因为从人道主义的立场来看,无辜的平民可能会受到伤害。The RAF was formed by an amalgamation of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service.英国皇家空军由皇家陆军航空队和皇家海军航空队合并而成。Air pollution has risen above an acceptable level.空气污染已超过可接受的水平。He was commissioned as second lieutenant in the Air Force.他被任命为空军少尉。Air hissed out of the tyre.轮胎嘶嘶地漏气。Air pollution has reached dangerous levels in some cities.有些城市的空气污染已经达到了危险的程度。Air raids were a nightly occurrence.每晚都有空袭。The Dutch Air Force has grounded all its aircraft.荷兰空军停飞了所有的飞机。Air travel is a commonplace nowadays.现在坐飞机是平常事。Air travel is now a commonplace.乘飞机旅行现在是寻常的事。Air can circulate freely through the tunnels.隧道里空气流动通畅。Air is a mixture of gases.空气是各种气体的混合物。The Air Transit Authority's jurisdiction extends beyond the airport itself to include warehouses and associated buildings.空运管理局的管辖权超越了机场本身,还包括仓库和相关建筑。Air is indispensable to life.空气是生命所必需的。Air quality is rapidly deteriorating in our cities.我们城市里的空气质量迅速恶化。From Toronto you can connect to all other Air Canada destinations.从多伦多可以转机到达加拿大航空公司的所有其他目通航城市。Air travelers can have stress-free trips if they follow a few simple guidelines.飞机的乘客如能遵照一些简单易行的指示做,就可享受到轻松的旅途了。They live in Bel Air, an exclusive suburb of Los Angeles.他们住在贝莱尔,这是洛杉矶郊外一处高级住宅区。Air pollution has become one of the most significant health problems of our time.空气污染成了我们这个时代最重大的健康问题。Air France pilots called a strike over the European harmonisation of their working hours.法国航空公司的飞行员举行罢工,抗议在欧洲范围内统一飞行员的工作时间。Air force jets have been pounding rebel positions all day.空军的喷气式飞机整天都在轰炸叛军的据点。Air travelers can enjoy stress-free trips if they follow a few guidelines.如果按照一些指引去做的话,飞机乘客在旅途中就不会紧张。Air travel has lost much of its mystery.空中旅行的神秘感已消退大半。Air pollution is one of the many problems being addressed by the scientists at the conference.空气污染是与会科学家们关注的诸多问题之一。Air travel dehydrates the body.航空旅行会使人体脱水。Air can be pumped into the diving suit to increase buoyancy.可以给潜水衣充气以增大浮力。He obtained a commission in the Royal Air Force.他在皇家空军谋得一个官职。Air is a medium for sound.空气是声音的传播媒介。Bel Air is an exclusive suburb of Los Angeles.贝莱尔是洛杉矶郊外一处高级住宅区。Don't always yes. Air your own views.不要一味附和,要发表你自己的意见。The Air France plane lopped over four hours off the previous best time.法国航空公司的飞机在原来最短航行时间的基础上又缩减了四个多小时。We are cleared by Air Traffic Control to taxi and take off.我们的空中交通管制解除,可以滑行和起飞。




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