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例句 The headlights of the car were aimed high.汽车的前灯光束偏高。The leader's speech aimed to close the embarrassing divide in party ranks.领导人的讲话旨在缩小党内各派令人尴尬的分歧。He was driven to suicide by smears aimed at him.他被针对他的诽谤逼得自杀。He's always offended by jokes aimed at Irish people.听了针对爱尔兰人的笑话,他总要生气。The proposals were aimed at catching votes from the middle-roaders.提出这些建议的目的在于争取中间派的选票。He aimed his rifle, fired a single shot, then ejected the spent cartridge.他用步枪瞄准,射出一枚子弹,然后退出空弹壳。Advertising aimed at children should be curbed.针对儿童的广告应受到限制。International terrorists have mounted an attack aimed at disrupting the huge tourist industry here.国际恐怖分子发动了袭击,旨在打击这里庞大的旅游业。She aimed carefully at the tree but the arrow missed.她仔细瞄准那棵树,但是射偏了。Bedtime drinks aimed at helping children to sleep may be rotting their teeth.为帮助儿童入睡而给他们喝的睡前饮料可能会蛀蚀牙齿。He aimed the gun at me.他把枪对准了我。He aimed at the bird but missed.他瞄准那只鸟射击,可是没打中。The government launched a five-year plan aimed at diversifying the economy.政府开始实施一项五年计划,旨在多元化发展经济。He aimed the gun carefully before shooting.他射击前小心翼翼地瞄准。The tennis stars' animosity was a publicity stunt, aimed at putting bums on seats.网球球星的敌意是作秀,目的是吸引观众。He drew his pistol, aimed and fired.他拔出手枪,然后瞄准射击。I aimed at the bird but missed.我瞄准那只鸟射击,可是没打中。It was a four week course, aimed at refining our understanding of the managerial role.这是为期四周的培训课程,旨在提高我们对管理职责的认识。She aimed a blow at Lucy.她对准露西就是一下。He aimed at influencing the result of the presidential elections.他的目的在于影响总统选举的结果。The new scheme is aimed at rehabilitating local heroin addicts.新计划是为了使当地海洛因吸食者戒除毒瘾。Most of these places are aimed at twenty-somethings.这些地方大多数是以二十多岁的人为目标群体的。He aimed for the center of the man's head and squeezed off a single round.他瞄准那名男子的脑门正中开了一枪。The magazine is aimed primarily at twentysomethings.这本杂志主要针对二十多岁的读者。Its latest military offensive against rebel forces is aimed at reopening important trade routes.它对叛军的最新一轮军事进攻旨在重新打开重要的贸易通道。The magazine, which gives frank advice about sex and romance, is aimed at the teenage market.这本杂志面向青少年市场,对性和恋爱问题作出坦率的忠告。I aimed at the target and fired.我瞄准了靶子,然后射击。The proposal was aimed at ending the stalemate between environmentalist and business groups.提议的目的在于结束环保主义者和商业团体之间的僵持状态。The Prime Minister aimed to reassert his authority.首相意在重申他的权威。The program is aimed at people working in IT who want to upskill.这一课程是针对在信息科技行业工作、需要学习新技能的人的。He aimed at a passing car and fired.他瞄准一辆驶过的车,开了枪。The harsh sentences appear to be aimed at setting an example.严厉的刑罚似乎是为了杀一儆百。The new taxes were aimed at the largest and wealthiest corporations.新税项是针对规模最大、最富有的公司制定的。His criticism was aimed primarily at parents.他的批评主要是针对父母的。The projects are aimed at promoting energy conservation.这些项目旨在促进节约能源。The hunter aimed at the lion and fired.猎人瞄准了狮子开火。As a rule, however, such attacks have been aimed at causing damage rather than taking life.然而,通常此类袭击只是为了造成破坏,并非要人性命。The new law is aimed at strengthening protective measures for workers.新法旨在强化对工人的保护措施。The projects were aimed at tackling unemployment and social exclusion.这些计划旨在解决失业和社会排斥的问题。The scheme aimed to tap underground water resources.该计划的目的在于获取地下水资源。




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