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词汇 aim
例句 I started this business with the aim of making a profit.我为了赚钱做起这个生意。The proposals aim to set a new direction for local government.提议旨在为当地政府确定新的发展方向。Popular acceptance of authority had been an early aim of the Nationalists.国家主义者的一个早期目标是推动民众对权威的接受。We ask students to write essays under examination conditions, with the deliberate aim of familiarizing them with these conditions.我们让学生在考试的环境下写文章,目的是为了使他们熟悉这种环境。I didn't aim to get caught.我不是故意想被抓住的。The aim is to obtain maximum reward for minimum effort.目的就是花最少的力气而取得最大的回报。We aim to report the news as fairly as possible.我们力求公正地报道这一新闻。The aim is to guarantee the rights of all citizens without distinction of nationality, sex, education, or status.目标是不分国籍、性别、教育程度或社会地位,保障所有公民的权利。We aim to report the news as fairly and fully as possible.我们报道新闻力求公正和全面。The aim of US foreign policy at that time was to prevent the spread of communism.那时美国外交政策的目标是阻止共产主义的发展壮大。His declared aim/goal/intention is to improve the city's downtown area.他公开宣布的目标/目的/意图是改善城市的闹市区。The aim of the president's visit was to cement relations between the two countries.总统来访的目的是要巩固两国之间的关系。We aim to do better at harnessing the skills and talents of our workforce.我们的目的是要更好地利用职工的技能和才智。The aim of the military intervention is to bring peace to the region.军队介入是为了给该地区带来和平。We aim to place training on a more scientific footing.我们的目标是将训练建立在更加科学的基础之上。The production and consumption of goods and services is the ultimate aim of all economic endeavour.商品和服务的生产与消费是所有经济活动的终极目标。He achieved his aim by stratagem.他用计谋达到了目的。The aim was to divide up the business, give everyone an equal stake in its future.目的是为了平分公司股份,让每个人将来承担均等的风险。A man with a shotgun was taking aim at the deer.一名男子拿猎枪瞄准了那头鹿。Our aim is to make it easier for young unknown artists to show their work.我们的目的是方便不知名的年轻艺术家展出他们的作品。His primary aim was to teach his students to reason.他的首要目的是教学生如何作逻辑思维。Our aim is twofold.我们有双重目标。Her aim was to gather roses whilst she might.她的宗旨是及时行乐。The aim was to create an impression of party unity.目的是要给人一种党内团结的印象。Their aim was to keep alive the traditional Jewish faith.他们的目标是使传统的犹太教信仰生生不息。Our ultimate aim/goal/purpose is to increase production.我们的最终目标是增加产量。The aim of the cruise was to awaken an interest in and an understanding of foreign cultures.此次海上航游旨在唤起我们对外国文化的兴趣和理解。Simple truth must be the highest aim of any real investigation.任何真正的探寻都是以寻找朴素的真理为最高目标。He took aim at the target and fired.他瞄准目标开火。The aim of this initial meeting is to clarify the issues.本次初步会议的目标是澄清这些问题。By building cars in Britain, Toyota aim to win an even larger slice of the cake.丰田公司在英国生产汽车,其目标是要争取更大的市场份额。Her aim was devastatingly accurate.她的瞄准精确无误。Our aim was that these meetings be unstructured and informal.我们的目的是对这些会议不作具体安排,使会议气氛轻松随意。The aim of the course is to help students to comprehend the structure of contemporary political and social systems.这门课程旨在帮助学生了解当代政治与社会体制的结构。The aim is to get each member country to adhere to a single set of rules.目标就是使每个成员国都遵守一套单一的规则。The aim was to create a destination for ski enthusiasts.目标是要打造出一个受滑雪爱好者欢迎的胜地。You should not be afraid to aim high in the quest for an improvement in your income.想让自己的收入有所提高时,你应该敢于给自己设定高的目标。We aim to provide a service that is balanced and unbiased.我们的目标是提供一种公平公正的服务。Their sole aim is to destabilize the Indian government.他们唯一的目标就是要破坏印度政府的稳定。We aim to reduce, to the maximum extent practicable, the discharge of pollutants.我们的目标是在最大可行的程度上减少污染物的排放。




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