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词汇 aims
例句 The centre aims to help disadvantaged areas of Europe, mainly by fostering new businesses.该中心旨在帮助欧洲的贫困地区,方法主要是通过扶持新型商业。Increasing student awareness of the issue is one of our aims.提升学生对这个问题的认识是我们的目标之一。The convention, signed by the six states bordering the Black Sea, aims to reduce current pollution levels.黑海周边六国签署的这份公约旨在降低目前的污染程度。It aims to fuse the body, mind and spirit into a naturally coherent whole.它旨在将身体、精神和灵魂融合为一个浑然天成的整体。The party aims to increase the number of women elected to Congress.该党的目标是增加当选为国会议员的妇女人数。The initiative aims to tackle alcohol-related disorder in towns.这一计划最初旨在处理城市中的酒后滋事问题。Greater equality was one of the aims of the post-war government.实现更大的平等是战后政府的目标之一。The company aims to lure smokers back to cigarettes.该公司旨在把吸烟人士诱回到香烟上来。The workers are united in their aims.工人们目标一致。The party aims to attract votes from the business and professional communities, which want a faster pace of political reform.该党的目标是吸引商界和专业社群的选票,因为这两个群体都希望加快政治改革的步伐。This policy is scarcely consonant with the government's declared aims.这项政策与政府公开宣布的目标难以相符。The course aims to develop the children's appreciation of music in performance.该课程旨在培养孩子们欣赏音乐演出的鉴赏力。This book aims first and foremost to improve your painting.这本书的最重要用途是提高你的绘画技艺。The movie aims at comedy , but it really isn't very funny.这部电影本想拍成一部喜剧,但它实际上一点也不搞笑。He aims his bile at religion, drugs, and politics.他把怒气发泄在宗教、毒品和政治问题上。He aims to please even if it means putting his principles in cold storage.他一心要取悦于人,甚至放弃原则也在所不惜。She was unable to achieve her aims.她没能达到目的。He plays down rumours that he aims to become a Labour MP.他对那些说他想要成为工党下院议员的传言轻描淡写。The project aims to provide an analysis of children's emotions.该计划旨在对儿童情绪提供分析。The program aims to teach road safety through play.这个节目旨在通过游戏讲解道路安全。It aims to stop the depletion of fish stocks.其目标是抑制鱼类数量减少。How can we successfully pursue these aims?我们如何才能成功地实现这些目标?The movie aims for comedy.这部电影想要拍成喜剧。His aims imply a good deal of energy.要达到他的目标需有充沛的精力。Our newspaper aims to mirror the opinions of ordinary people.我们的报纸旨在反映普通民众的意见。One of the organization's aims is to disseminate information about the disease.该组织的宗旨之一就是宣传关于这种疾病的知识。The programme aims to increase employment.这项计划旨在提高就业率。I want to see a strong and united country in which people work together with common aims.我希望看到一个强大而统一的国家,人民为了共同的目标而努力奋斗。He praised the union's aims but predicted its early demise.他对联盟的目标表示赞赏,但预言联盟很快会失败。This training course aims to smooth the transition between education and employment.这个训练课程的目的就是实现从学校到就业之间的平稳过渡。One of the aims of ethnography is to contribute to an understanding of the human race.编写人种志的目的之一是促进对人类的了解。These may be laudable aims, but by enforcing them at gunpoint another vitally important principle is lost.也许用心是好的,但若诉诸枪杆子则无法坚持另一个至关重要的原则。She's the sort of girl who always aims high.她这个姑娘素来胸怀大志。The programme went only partway towards meeting its aims.这个程序仅仅完成了目标的一部分。We had to set out the nitty-gritty of our aims.我们必须阐明我们的基本目标。The new degree course aims to bridge the gulf between education and industry.新的学位课程旨在弥合教育和实业之间的脱节。The company aims to imbue hotels with style and design.公司的目的是让酒店富有格调和设计感。The book has two basic aims.这本书有两个基本目的。Their aims are coincident with ours.他们的目标与我们的一致。Your suggestions are not in harmony with the aims of this project.你的建议与本项目的目标不符。




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