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词汇 Obviously
例句 Obviously, they've had sponsorship from some big companies.很显然,他们已经得到某些大公司的赞助。Obviously teachers have to be good communicators.显然,老师必须善于沟通。Obviously, I'll be disappointed if we don't succeed.如果我们不成功,我当然会失望。Obviously he was going to brazen out the lie.他显然打算厚着脸皮死不承认自己说谎。Obviously you feel very strongly about this.显然你对这件事的看法很坚定。Obviously, this is going to take some time.很明显,这要花点时间。Obviously the veterans’ association has a rather old and declining membership.显然退伍军人协会的成员年纪都很大了,而且人数越来越少。Obviously, any child who receives dedicated teaching over an extended period is likely to improve.很明显,任何长期接受用心教育的孩子都有可能取得进步。Obviously, she had barely grasped the subject.显然她只勉强理解主题。Obviously Jack and Jill were made for each other.杰克和吉尔显然是天生的一对。Obviously the plaster's just perished and all fallen off.很明显灰泥已脆裂老化,全剥落下来了。Obviously what she did was wrong, but I don't think it warranted such a severe punishment.显然她做得不对,但我认为她不应该受到如此严厉的惩罚。He wants actors who can speak Welsh. Obviously I've had it.他要的是会说威尔士语的演员。明摆着,我是没指望了。Obviously the school cannot function without teachers.显而易见,学校没有老师就无法运转。Obviously she had been frightened out of wits, as well she might be.显然她已吓得六神无主了,于她来说这亦在情理之中。Obviously as sales manager he'll be very involved in the promotion and marketing of the product.很显然,作为销售经理,他将积极参与这项产品的宣传和营销。Obviously the negotiator had done his homework.显而易见,谈判人事前做了充分的准备工作。Obviously people are going to respond better to praise than to criticism - that's just common sense.人们对赞扬的回应显然比对批评的回应更加积极,这本是人之常情。Obviously it was Anne's considered opinion that Mavis was a bold-faced liar.安妮认为梅维斯是个厚颜无耻的骗子,这显然是经过一番深思熟虑后才得出的看法。Obviously, I'm disappointed at the way things have turned out.很明显,事情的发展让我大失所望。Obviously if a police officer offends it's a fairly serious matter.显然,警察如果犯罪那可是件相当严重的事情。Obviously we can't deal with the problem until we know all the circumstances.显然,我们只有了解全部情况后才能处理这问题。Obviously, no company has infinite resources.很明显,没有哪家公司拥有的资源是无穷无尽的。Obviously I can't speak for other people, but certainly no one I know would entertain the idea.我显然不能代表其他人的意见,可是我认识的人当中肯定没有人会有这样的想法。Obviously I overestimated your sense of humour.显然你没有我想的那么幽默。Obviously the puncture threw me a little, but I'm reasonably happy.显然,轮胎扎破让我感到有些意外,不过我还是挺开心的。Obviously we are disappointed but the committee could do nothing less than stick to the rules.我们显然很失望,但委员会只能照章办事,别无他法。Obviously we're better off now that we're both working.现在我俩都工作,经济状况显然比以前好了。Obviously, this clothes had been custom-made for you.很显然地,这件衣服是为你量身订做的。Obviously, Paul was not cut out for army life.显然,保罗不适合军旅生活。Obviously your behaviour is going to reflect on the whole group.显然你的行为会给整个团队招来非议。Obviously, I'll have to think about your offer carefully.显然,我得对你们的报价进行认真的考虑。Obviously I don't need to say how important this project is.很显然,我用不著多讲这个工程是多么重要。Obviously the misunderstanding will have to be cleared up.显然这一误解必须得到澄清。Obviously, it is horrible to think nobody likes you.显然,想到没人喜欢自己是很可怕的。Obviously, this guy's a complete fraud.这家伙显然是个大骗子。Obviously I'd be disappointed if we don't make it, but it wouldn't be the end of the world.显然,如果我们做不到我会失望,但这也不会是世界末日。Obviously he had been helping himself to the money.他显然一直在偷钱。Obviously this technique won't mend a broken leg or undo an accident.显然,这种技术不会治愈断腿或消除事故所造成的影响。




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