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例句 There was a lot of pressure on you to obtain a good grade.你承受了考取高分的巨大压力。It is difficult to obtain an accurate estimate of how many tigers are left.很难准确估计所剩老虎的数量。How can one obtain the revised estimates?如何才能获得修订后的估算呢?Creditors could obtain a writ for the arrest of their debtors.债权人可以获得逮捕债务人的令状。He admitted conspiring to obtain property by deception.他承认曾密谋诈骗财产。They used coercion to obtain the confession.他们用胁迫的方式获得了认罪书。I could obtain with the snap of my fingers anything I chose.我不费吹灰之力就可以得到我看中的任何东西。The information may be difficult to obtain.要获得这个信息可能有些困难。She has to obtain her parents' permission before she does anything.她在做任何事情之前都必须先得到她父母的允许。Young babies obtain all the nourishment they need from their mother's milk.婴儿所需营养均来自母乳。The aim is to obtain maximum reward for minimum effort.目的就是花最少的力气而取得最大的回报。Later it might be possible to obtain the key by requesting it when the desk was busy.稍后,等服务台忙碌的时候,或许有可能要到钥匙。It is generally impractically expensive to obtain the very large storage.要获得这种庞大的电脑存储,一般来说,花费昂贵且不切实际。We are making every effort to obtain the release of the hostages.我们竭尽全力争取人质获释。The courts can obtain payments for those in arrears with consumer credit agreements.法院可以向拖欠消费信贷还款的人颁令还款。To obtain the nutrients you need, vary the foods you eat.为获得身体所需的营养,要吃各种不同的食物。It's hard to obtain truly independent financial advice.很难获得真正客观的金融建议。They were able to obtain the objets d'art they so admired.他们能够得到自己十分心仪的小工艺品。Financial success is usually predicated on having money or being able to obtain it.先要有钱或者能弄到钱才能够赚钱。The police must obtain a warrant from a judge in order to search a house.警察必须从法官处取得搜查令才可搜查房子。Her lawyer is trying to obtain bail for her.她的律师正在为她争取保释。Applicants had to obtain character references before being considered for the work.申请者必须有品行推荐信才予以考虑聘用。The church may disapprove but Catholics can and do obtain civil divorces.教会也许不同意,但是天主教徒可以请求民事离婚并且能够获准。Underage youths can obtain alcohol from their older friends.未到法定年龄的青少年可以从年龄较大的朋友那里弄到酒。If you want to obtain knowledge, you must learn step by step.你想得到知识,就必须循序渐进地学习。Squeeze the tube slowly to obtain an even flow.慢慢挤压软管使内容物均匀流出。He claimed the police had used coercion, threats, and promises to obtain the statement illegally.他声称警方曾用威逼、恐吓和许诺的方法来非法获取供词。Sophisticated statistical analysis was employed to obtain these results.利用尖端的统计分析技术得到了这些结果。It is important to negotiate a good discount and obtain books on approval.重要的是要谈下一个优厚的折扣价,而且图书包退包换。Before initiating a sale you should obtain an independent valuation.出售前你应当获得一个独立的估价。We took any amount of trouble to obtain documents.为了弄到文件,我们历经艰辛。The perfect body has always been difficult to obtain.完美的身材总是很难拥有。They are deliberately flouting the law in order to obtain an advantage over their competitors.为了在与对手的竞争中占据上风,他们公然藐视法律。Some firms will go to great lengths, including spying, to obtain information about their competitors.有些公司会用各种手段,包括派出间谍,来获取竞争对手的消息。It's difficult to obtain a pass at A Level.要想通过高级证书考试是很难的。They tried by diplomatic maneuvers to obtain an agreement.他们利用了外交手段试图达成协议。To obtain a passport, you have to send in your birth certificate with the form.要取得护照,你得把出生证和表格一起呈上。The aim of the neighbourhood studies was to obtain in-depth information from a number of selected communities.此次街区情况研究的目标是要从几个选中作调查的社区获得深入详尽的信息。These conditions no longer obtain.这些条件已不复存在。The aim is to help patients to obtain most benefit from their treatment.目的是要帮助病人取得最大的疗效。




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