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例句 That's what we tried to portray in the book, this feeling of opulence and grandeur.这种富丽堂皇的感觉正是我们在书中要努力营造的。He has worked hard in recent months to portray New York in a better light.最近几个月里他努力从更积极的角度来描绘纽约。The President likes to portray himself as a friend of working people.总统喜欢以工薪阶层的朋友自居。They try to portray themselves as the victims.他们试图把自己描述成受害者。They portray him as a weak leader, but I don't think that's a fair characterization.他们把他说成是软弱的领袖,但我认为这种描绘有失偏颇。Your ex-wife will portray you in a bad light.你的前妻会把你说得很坏。He has worked hard in recent months to portray the city in a better light.近几个月来他努力从更好的角度描绘这座城市。News reports portray the situation as dire.新闻报道把局势描述得非常严峻。Advertising tends to portray women in very traditional roles.广告倾向于以非常传统的角色来表现女性。The paintings portray the romance of Paris.这些画描绘了巴黎的浪漫气息。The media portray her as happy and successful, but in reality she has a difficult life.媒体把她描述得快乐而成功,而事实上她过着艰难的生活。It would be wrong to portray his life as a calculated ascent to power at any cost.如果把他的一生描述成不惜任何代价一心想向上爬,那就错了。It's grotesque to portray peace campaigners as unpatriotic.把和平运动的倡导者说成是不爱国,这很荒唐。Now, as for the Democrats, they've been able to use this issue quite effectively to portray the president as insensitive.然而,对民主党人来说,他们成功利用了这个问题来渲染总统的麻木不仁。The poor beggar looked silly trying to portray the role of Hamlet.那可怜虫因为拼命想把哈姆雷特的角色演好而大出洋相。In his trial, he tried to portray himself as the victim of an uncaring society.他在受审过程中力图将自己描绘成冷漠社会的牺牲品。Some portray the family as unwitting dupes of conspiracy theorists.一些人把这个家庭描绘成不知不觉上了阴谋论家的当。Many sitcoms portray men as insensitive, gross, overweight, beer-drinking clods.许多情景喜剧把男性刻画成迟钝、粗俗、肥胖、喝着啤酒的呆子。




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