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词汇 pose
例句 His concern for the poor is a mere pose.他关心穷人只是故作姿态罢了。The skills and logistics of getting such a big show on the road pose enormous practical problems.搞如此大型的巡演,无论是技术上还是物流上都面临着巨大的实际问题。Rising inflation could pose a major problem for the government.通货膨胀不断加剧,这会给政府造成严重的问题。You get the feeling that his apparently strong religious faith is just a pose.你会觉得他那看似坚定的宗教信仰只是装腔作势。The men support the ballerinas, who pose with their uplifted arms.男演员托举着女芭蕾舞演员,她们在上面抬臂摆出造型。The photographer asked all the guests to stand still and pose for the wedding photograph.摄影师请所有的宾客站着不动,摆好姿势拍婚礼照。The facts pose something of a paradox.这些事实有自相矛盾之处。He held a cross-legged pose and fidgeted while she undid the pins.她取别针时,他交叉着双腿,动来晃去。Spam can also pose a security threat to your PC.垃圾邮件还可能对个人计算机构成安全威胁。It's the sort of place where people go to pose in their designer labels.这是那种人们都穿着名牌服装招摇过市的地方。He was the first to pose an alternative concept of the world.他是第一个提出另一种新的世界概念的人。Physical sports pose a risk of injury.体育运动有受伤的风险。The contradictions in his argument pose questions about his credibility.他论据中的矛盾使人们对他的可信度提出了质疑。He struck a jaunty pose for the camera.他对着相机摆了个得意扬扬的姿势。She stood in the doorway, one hand above her head in a negligent pose.她站在门口,一只手举到头上,一副很随意的样子。He acquired a pose of sympathy for the troubles of others.他对别人的苦恼摆出一副同情的姿态。It is claimed that current levels of pesticide do not pose a threat to health.据称当前杀虫剂的含量不会对健康构成威胁。The teacher gives specific directions and corrects your pose.老师给出具体的指示并纠正你的姿势。Scientists feel that present levels of radiation pose no threat.科学家们认为当前的辐射水平不会构成威胁。She struck a dramatic pose.她摆了一个夸张的姿势。The president's visit to the slums was a mere pose.总统到贫民区去访问只不过是一种姿态。In many writers modesty is a pose, but in Ford it seems to have been genuine.很多作家都是故作谦虚,但福特却似乎表里如一。Malcolm struck his usual pose: hands in pockets, shoulders hunched.马尔科姆摆出惯常的姿势: 双手插在口袋里,肩膀耸起。The opposition party have been in such disorder for so long that they pose no real threat to the present government.反对党长期处于混乱状态,因而不会对现政府构成真正的威胁。Studies have indicated a low-carb diet can pose heart and kidney risks.研究表明低碳水化合物饮食对心脏和肾脏造成风险。These chemicals pose a health hazard/risk.这些化学制品会危害健康。Her confidence was merely a pose to hide her uncertainty.她的自信完全是装的,是为了掩饰她的犹豫。Short-range missiles in Asia do not pose a direct threat to the U.S.亚洲的短程导弹不对美国构成直接威胁。I'm going to take your picture but don't pose—look natural.我给你拍张照片,但不要摆造型,显得自然点She loves to pose when men are around.当周围有男人时,她总爱搔首弄姿。The weather should not pose a problem for us.天气应该不会给我们带来问题。The bacteria pose a real threat to wildlife.细菌确实会对野生生物构成威胁。Chemicals in our drinking water could pose a serious threat to public health.我们饮用水中所含的化学物会对大众的健康构成严重威胁。How did you get him to pose for this picture?你想了什么办法让他摆姿势照了这张照片?They are striking a pose in order to intimidate people.他们装腔作势想吓唬人。His disapproval of the war looks good to voters, but I bet it's just a pose.他的反战言论看起来很受选民欢迎,但我敢肯定他只是做做样子。Activities like that pose a substantial risk of injury.那种活动受伤的可能性很大。This could pose a threat to jobs in the coal industry.这可能会给煤炭产业的就业造成威胁。He threw out his arms and struck a final, triumphant pose.他甩出胳膊,摆出一副最后胜利者的姿势。Oil spills pose a serious threat to marine life.原油泄漏对海洋生物构成严重的威胁。




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